1. B

    2.5 Diesel - Oil Cooler Pipes

    dm your right done mine twd weeks ago, the mans spot on.:beer2::beer2::beer2:
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    A Very Fruitful Visit To The Dump!!!

    hope you give him a drink steve.
  3. B

    Anyone Fancy A Pub Meet??

    dopey.got room for xf super space on drive.
  4. B

    EAS Leak

    wat did u do with old pump .i need new read mine us cheerssss
  5. B

    EAS Leak

    yes u can.:):):):):)
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    eas filter

    ok new sea and liner all good. whent to put small o ring in read in half prob found.all good now thanks to symlise.:):):):)
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    eas filter

    thanks wammers looks like new seals then top man.:):)
  8. B

    eas filter

    just a qwick one shoud air be sucked in on eas filter on end of pump.not going up no mesage on dash.
  9. B

    HSE Seats ?

    thanks mate.
  10. B


    sparky wots up pal.
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    HSE Seats ?

    yes cos no windows and no light 2 see him self.:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
  12. B

    HSE Seats ?

    ok missed that shoot me why dont you lots of luv xxxxxx.bernie.:p:p:p:p:p
  13. B

    HSE Seats ?

    well said rasheed f the count.:multiply::multiply::multiply:
  14. B

    sparky wots up mate.

    sparky wots up mate.
  15. B

    p38 bits needed,

    fink them air bags r two much ,,not.
  16. B

    p38 bits needed,

    well said irish.:):):):)
  17. B

    p38 bits needed,

    hi got two rear dunlops good just like new 50 qwid two you.
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    thanks wammers look at it tomorrow bernie.
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    ok i cant spell.:yawn::yawn::yawn:
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    :confused::confused::confused:ok lads and ladets hi my dse has no speakers in back doors,are the wirers in there t put them in. thanks bernie.