1. D

    How Does a Hotwire System time itself?

    It has a amplifer/module either attached to thè side off the dizzy and it sends a pulse to the ecu as far as I can tell acts as a crank position sensor. Might be wrong but that's about the most I can get from the websites
  2. D

    disco1 steering problem?

    Re check thè pan hard rod bushes this can cause the problems poly bushes normaly last longer then std from what you describe it could be this. The way to check is to have some one in the car rocking the steering with the car on the ground and lay under thè car engine not running and watch thè...
  3. D

    Any one in the west Yorkshire area have a 14 cux code reader

    If anyone would like to earn a little bit off beer money I'm in need off a14 cux code reader I want to find out what is causing my land rover not to start please
  4. D

    D1 v8 non starting

    I would mate but it won't start to be able to check it
  5. D

    14cux code reader

    Jesus that much data on them
  6. D

    14cux code reader

    It's her in doors that wants me to find out what is up with this d1 and get it going again seen has we have only had the car 4 weeks before it went Pete tong and now it won't fire up
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    14cux code reader

    Not realy I was lost a long time ago and then I got married lol
  8. D

    14cux code reader

    You also wouldn't happen to have one off the afore mentioned boxes
  9. D

    14cux code reader

    Lol didn't mean anything by I't I need an opion on my disco where abouts in Yorkshire are you mate.
  10. D

    14cux code reader

    Damn I'm in west Yorkshire
  11. D

    14cux code reader

    Hi all does anyone have a 14 cux code reader for a v8 disco or the equivliant Scaning equipment I need to find out what is wrong with my discovery so I can fix it I can and will pay beer tokens of some one can come and scan it I'm desperate to find out why it won't start and what parts it needs...
  12. D

    D1 v8 non starting

    Hi there all after my disco was written off in a accident. I have. Bought a v8 3.9 disco on a 1994. Well any way the problem is that it developed a fault off over fueling and one back fire and it shattered the cat on thè left hand bank off the engine sorted that problem out and it wouldn't...
  13. D

    Bizarre noise!

    broken spring maybe ? or the spring isnt located properly
  14. D

    Disco Overheating

    have you tried a new thermostat in just out of intrest that could cause the syptoms that you describe could be worth changing it and trying again before you take the head off the car is there any smoke when running
  15. D

    Hi all just joined

    thank you all for the nice welcome
  16. D

    Hi all just joined

    Hi there my names micheal I'm a disco ownercwith a passion for all things land rover I own a tuned disco 300 tdi auto i'm sure that they will be a lot of questions that il be needing to ask lol
  17. D

    300tdi no heater

    Could it be a sticking thermostat that you have causing the air lock and forvthe squeeling belt try spraying a little baby powder on to the belt that works a treat stops belts squeel