1. N

    'nother freelander - hill decent not working

    Can anyone tell me why my HDC amber light comes on when I`m sitting in traffic,! happened several times on way home from work and wonder if its another LR balls up. Your advice would be appreciated:confused:
  2. N

    new member with problem

    Thanks for all members help. Perhaps I should have bought a proper 4X4, not LRs balls up of a Freelander.
  3. N

    new member with problem

    Thanks for offer. I live in a little village on the outskirts of Cambridge. As I said to other member, probably not bother with filter, just take it back to LR dealer and shove it up his arse. :D
  4. N

    new member with problem

    Can`t find access panel to top of tank. Looked under back seats and boot. If it means dropping tank out, probably wont bother with filter and just get shot of car.
  5. N

    new member with problem

    tank sits underboot area
  6. N

    new member with problem

    Thanks for the tip. Had back seats out, carpet up and no sign of any inspection panel. Perhaps **** at LR spares shop having good laugh at me and mechanic tryin to find where to put f****** fuel filter.Let you all know when I`ve found where LR have hiden it.
  7. N

    new member with problem

    I agree. I joined the forum expecting constructive help from other LR owners. To date all I`v got is stupid remarks about Freelanders are crap, my mechanic is crap and should know where the filter is, and dont bother with the filter as the car is gong to f*** up anyway. Its nice to talk to...
  8. N

    new member with problem

    No, no access to tank from there.
  9. N

    new member with problem

    Not a thing I`d like to try. Got enough problems without causing more. Its a thought though. Awaiting delivery of LR Wokshop manual Might get more info there. Thanks Nobby
  10. N

    new member with problem

    Have you noticed that all the other comedians who said" mechanics ****e" have all gone very quiet! Perhaps its something I said.
  11. N

    new member with problem

    Sorry, no pic of filter but its stamped on box" Freelander 2000- Fuel Filter"
  12. N

    new member with problem

    Filter they sold me is tube about 5" long with backng plate with bolt holes. Looks like it should be bolted to engine bulkhead, but not. Obviously when LR built freelanders with 15 known design problems, fuel filter got forgotten so bunged it in tank and sold idiots like me replacement.
  13. N

    new member with problem

    Thanks for the help but tried looking there already Filter must be in tank and therefore not a serviceable component. Bought all spares from LR dealer who told me that at 60k, fuel filter should be changed. Didnt tell me its in tank! Yella Disco knew that already but didnt want to impart any of...
  14. N

    new member with problem

    At least willo tried to help. I`ve noticed that no one,so far, can actualy tell me where the fuel filter is. Its a simple question for an expert like you, why dont you tell me and everyone else where it is and show everyone how clever you are. It seems youre the one with very little esteem as...
  15. N

    new member with problem

    What kind of help is that? Whether the mechanic is ****e or not, he doesnt normally work on Freelanders and did follw the fuel lines from the tank right up to the injectors . If you can read the thread from a proper member who even sent me a schematic of the fuel system, you will see that on my...
  16. N

    new member with problem

    At last, some help from someone who actually knows what hes talking about. All I`ve had so far from so called "experts" is a load of crap. (Read thread) Plonker from Wales says "Get another mechanic" I say "get yourself a life and dont waste other peoples time with stupid comments. Thanks again...
  17. N

    new member with problem

    Ha ha ha, another comedian. I thought the whole idea of this site was to provide help to other members who need help. When you have spent the best part of two days with your land rover in bits, its late, dark and raining, the last thing you need is some plonker taking the p**s. Thanks for your...
  18. N

    new member with problem

    Thanks very much, very helpful
  19. N

    new member with problem

    Can anyone help me find the fuel filter on my 2000 Freelander 1.8 petrol? Just had new head gasket and full service by local mechanic and we cant find the fuel filter. He says it should be in engine bay bolted to bulkhead but its not there!! HELLLLLLLLLPP!