1. C

    Range Rover tow bar wiring

    Just the old style single, Rave CD? Thx
  2. C

    Range Rover tow bar wiring

    Thx Bemble, where would I find these boxes?
  3. C

    Range Rover tow bar wiring

    Hi, I've recently had a tow bar fitted to my 2003 Range Rover but used the wiring connector that was cable tied behind the bumper from a previous fitting. Perhaps not surprisingly it doesnt work. Tracing the wiring back it goes into a small rectangular black box under neath the boot (but inside...
  4. C

    Oil in 2a diesel air filter

    just took the airfilter off so I could adjust the tickover on my 2a diesel (all standard) and the bottom of the airbox is full of clean engine oil. I'm guessing this is normal?? can't see any reason for how it got there. Any answers just to settle my mind. Ta
  5. C

    oh no its full of red diesel !!!!!!!!!!

    I agree, just use it and then refill with white. I understand its a tax issue so if it bothers you that much pop a cheque in the post to custom and excise for the tax element of the amount of fuel you have left. If there are any traces left and in the extremely unlikely event you get tested then...
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    Series 2A Diesel conks out after 5 mins

    My Series 2A diesel starts every time but gives up after about 5 mins on the road. I've changed the fuel filter and checked lines from the tank. Its regular as clockwork and starts again after about 15 minutes. Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm kind of stuck. Thanks in advance.