1. stamford

    Help My TD5 is too thirsty...

    When you fill it up, are you actually putting in a tankful? As in what's left in the tank as shown by the gauge or light equates to the amount of litres to fill to its book capacity. I only ask as the gauge readings on these are not always that accurate. The float may require a slight adjustment...
  2. stamford

    Is your TD5 fuel gauge not working?

    One day the needle of the fuel gauge dropped off the scale, light on! A few searches of this great forum gave me some info on where to locate the unit in question. However a couple of bum steers didn't help. Anyway, for those of you who have had this problem here's a tip. After dismantling...
  3. stamford

    Wanted-info on mounting brackets for nudge bar Disco 2

    Yea, already clocked them, kept that as a last ditch thing, cheers. I'll probably take the bumper off and measure up for making some. Having looked earlier it looks like a bar has been fitted before as the tow eye bracket is not there, hence the brackets had gone, also a slot has been cut in...
  4. stamford

    Wanted-info on mounting brackets for nudge bar Disco 2

    The 2 off towing hooks are removed and these are bolted in its place, they look similar. The usual LR thing, remove lots of bits, bin them and drill more holes!
  5. stamford

    Wanted-info on mounting brackets for nudge bar Disco 2

    Anyone got a pair of these, or one odd one or broken ones etc or at least a drawing giving dimensions so I can make some? Worth asking otherwise I'll need to remove the bumper etc and take measurements. They are mounting brackets for STC50025 and no longer available.
  6. stamford

    Advice required regarding ACE

    Since my accident when a 3rd party hit the rear quarter of my Disco I have noticed a slight lean to starboard. On further examination I read throught the handbook, recently bought off ebay, and have found the following: Warning lights are not working. Checked engine bay fusebox and found the...
  7. stamford

    Could this mean the end of my Disco?

    Pointless putting up pictures as it doesn't look much! If it wasn't for the lower panel being pushed in you wouldn't notice the full damage. I doubt if it is a write off, but you never know how these people work! The accident repair centre the 3rd party's insurers have nominated is a quality one...
  8. stamford

    Could this mean the end of my Disco?

    After an eventful winter the Disco did me well through the snow, saving many a motorist and ferrying my dogs around. Last week I got hit in the nearside rear quarter by some numpty driving too fast in the slush as I was exiting a mini round-a-bout onto the local petrol stations forecourt. It's...
  9. stamford

    how much for a tow :)

    Helped a few who were in need, saves the roads from being blocked and also helps to clear the roads I wish to travel on. Also obliged a neighbour as he asked for my help to retrieve his car, no problem and later bought me a bottle of wine. Not asked for anything by return, just community spirit...
  10. stamford

    Disappointed in your forum

    Why ban the fud? he can't see how much he is loved on here! :D Quality thread!
  11. stamford

    Series 2 front sidelights question

    All sorted, both lamps were missing, inserted two new ones and all good. Cheers chaps.
  12. stamford

    Leaking Sunroof

    Well the black tank tape I used has done the trick, very heavy rain yesterday, much worse than the day previous to the flood and all's good! :D A very discreet job done, that'll be left well alone until well after xmas!
  13. stamford

    Series 2 front sidelights question

    Right, so it seems pretty obvious that the car should have failed the MOT (completed before I picked it up) then as, according to you guys, I should have these fitted and working. What's the odds that both have failed and they assumed all was fine as the headlight unit has working sidelights...
  14. stamford

    Series 2 front sidelights question

    I have noticed that some series 2 have what appears to be either sidelights or driving lights in the top quarter of the indicator unit. My '99 doesn't, standard indicator and standard sidelight in headlamp unit. Is this a mod or another upgrade during later series 2 models? I can't keep up with...
  15. stamford

    Leaking Sunroof

    Hells bells Kev they certainly do have issues don't they! I cleaned the roof off last night, froze me gonads off too, then sealed the whole roof frame and glass joints with tank tape. Looks okay as it is discreet, good job it's a dark colour! I'll be leaving this until we have another downpour...
  16. stamford

    Leaking Sunroof

    Out of curiosity to what extent do yours leak? Mine started with a few drips via the button on the roof handle. This morning it was pouring from the interior light and headlining making its way down the dashboard, headunit and switches, not forgetting to mention the centre console. For a minute...
  17. stamford

    A positive thread!

    I also run an MG ZS180 and am one of the site owners. We are always having to persuade potentional owners who have heard somewhat negative stories. This is mainly from people who have heard things but never owned and ran them. So I always try and look at the positives and the negatives are true...
  18. stamford

    peeling dash

    Simmonites do a kit here
  19. stamford

    A positive thread!

    :lol: you boys always the optimists! That's what I mean, most forums always look at the negatives, never the positives. *goes outside to make sure it starts :p*
  20. stamford

    A positive thread!

    Rather than reading a thread where something has gone wrong or not working I thought why not post a good one! :D My Disco did a 6.5 hour round trip today without a hitch and was a pleasure to drive, never missed a beat. The weather was woeful, windy and raining heavily. Whilst everyone was...