
New Member
Rather than reading a thread where something has gone wrong or not working I thought why not post a good one! :D

My Disco did a 6.5 hour round trip today without a hitch and was a pleasure to drive, never missed a beat. The weather was woeful, windy and raining heavily. Whilst everyone was swerving the flooded roads I ploughed through :D

I was quite refreshed after that trip, can't say the same with the MG after 6.5 hours!

So with just myself, middle daughter and one Dalmatian on the way up north, we returned plus one Dalmatian ;)

Except the little lass barfed on the rear seat.:rolleyes:
Rather than reading a thread where something has gone wrong or not working I thought why not post a good one! :D

My Disco did a 6.5 hour round trip today without a hitch and was a pleasure to drive, never missed a beat. The weather was woeful, windy and raining heavily. Whilst everyone was swerving the flooded roads I ploughed through :D

I was quite refreshed after that trip, can't say the same with the MG after 6.5 hours!

So with just myself, middle daughter and one Dalmatian on the way up north, we returned plus one Dalmatian ;)

Except the little lass barfed on the rear seat.:rolleyes:

Wait til you try and start it tomorrow.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p
my disco has run for months now my be 3000 mile without any problems of it own !! lol, only problem i had was my home made snorkel fell apart and took water into the inter cooler, but that was soon sorted and not down to the disco.
I think that if the truth be known, most regular owners get very little trouble with their trucks, and as the OP has said, you only hear about the problems, not the good stuff.

We did Doncaster, Immingham and back on Friday and Birkenhead and back Saturday, no problems at all.

7000 miles without incident since we did the engine rebuild and put it on the road in June this year.

:lol: you boys always the optimists! That's what I mean, most forums always look at the negatives, never the positives.

*goes outside to make sure it starts :p*
Good on yer Mate! It's too easy to forget why we all persevere with our vehicles. I'm going out to enjoy mine in a minute and I bloody love it.
I also run an MG ZS180 and am one of the site owners. We are always having to persuade potentional owners who have heard somewhat negative stories. This is mainly from people who have heard things but never owned and ran them. So I always try and look at the positives and the negatives are true of running any car these days.

Gone are the days of carbs and points and the need for a small screwdriver and a lightbulb, nowadays we need OBDII readers and a laptop!

At the end of the day I just look at cars as nuts and bolts, some poorly designed by people who have no clue on dis-assembly!:rolleyes:
It has to be said, as a mile-eater, the Disco is a damn fine car! I used to drive Mondeo's, Laguna's, Vectra's, BMW 3's and out all of them, on distances over 250+ miles, only the Disco is confortable enough to let you arrive at the destination without back-ache, sore knees and still feeling like you can drive further ....

Mind, I'm a short arse and some car seats simply don't fit well or adjust far enough .. the Disco's are absolutely comfortable for me, even if it's slid almost (but not quite) fully forwards!!

Agree in principal, but the main point with Landies is that you CAN do the repairs and look after them, spares are cheap and available and there is a huge amount of information online, both here and on the other Landie forums.

I think that is true up to the Disco 2, but Disco 3 onwards is going to be a no-go area for a lot of owners.

It has to be said, as a mile-eater, the Disco is a damn fine car!
That is so true. My TD5 has been to Italy in a day, and the far end of Romania in three. That said, I think the old Freelander was even better :eek:. Well it took me to Istanbul in three days, complete with pre-EU border crossings and having to avoid Serbia because we were bombing them at the time. Maybe I was just younger and needed less comfort in those days.:D

I've driven loadsa cars. The TD5 is the best by far.
My 300 tdi is costing and causing me problems. It runs faultlessly, economical, comfortable and tows a large twin axle caravan. The expense has come in the form of a TD5 purchase and the problems is that the missus will no longer come out in my sports car, it's tooooo low, and not as comfortable as the Landy. I might have to trade her in, the missus that is.
I've had four old discos and apart from normal wear and tear like brake pads etc They've all been proper reliable. Done many a long trip usually towing a big trailer without a hiccup. Definitely the most comfy car I've ever driven on long trips too.
96 300 tdi, 201,000 on the clock and it runs like a dream, in the last 4000 i've done a oil and filter change and cleaned the intercooler out! Brilliant car!!!

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