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    Roverron boxes and soft top for sale

    Both boxes now sold folks - just the soft top if anybody is interested??
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    Roverron boxes and soft top for sale

    Box with remote sold - one without remote and soft top still available - let me know before Sunday or they go on evilbay
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    Roverron boxes and soft top for sale

    Hi folks - I have a couple of Roverron boxes and a soft top that I will be listing on flea bay in the next few days but I thought I would offer them here first if anybody is interested make me an offer Both boxes are TU3's - one has the remote switch to allow switching to three settings from...
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    Cheap Roverron box on ebay

    Funnily enough I have a couple here that I am about to put on ebay - one is the sort with the remote switch for in the cab (allows you turn off, set to towing mode (position 3) or turn to whatever the box is set to under the bonnet) and the other has they facility for this but does not include...
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    Sunroof recall Freelander TD4

    Ah Monsieur Chapeau Fou - as ever a font of wisdom - how you keeping? That one is for a Freelander 2 - mine is the last of the old shape matey - removable panels with a T bar in the middle where did you get that from though?
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    Sunroof recall Freelander TD4

    Hi folks - long time no post - hope you are all doing well. I have just noticed that my 06 Freelander is leaking from the sunroof and just phoned to book it in at the stealers for the work to be done. Knowing them of old, I asked if the work would be covered under warranty and the nice lady...
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    Warranty woe

    It transpires that the warranty 'hold' only refers to the fuel pump,fuel tank, fuel lines, injectors and basically anything that Land Rover Warranty decide that they dont feel like covering. The "good" news is that it appears that the hold has been put on the warranty incorrectly - there are...
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    Warranty woe

    Popped into my local dealer (Stratstone Stourbridge) today to get them to have a look at the problem with the car 'holding' gears (see my other thread. I was told some rather worrying news that might just be the final straw with Land Rover. Apparently there is a 'hold' on the warranty on my...
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    Auto box holding gears

    Cheers for that - I would be interested to see if it playing up or not. I would ask my dealer but, strangely enough, I don't really trust 'em to tell me the truth (call me old fashioned!) If it is buggered then I will get it done under warranty I hope
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    Auto box holding gears

    Cheers Dave - probably me being a bit thick here but will it change up automatically from 4th to 5th in normal driving mode or is it just Sports Mode that it holds in 4th - mine is holding in 4th until I back off and I am sure it used to change up automatically as soon as it hit the redline
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    Auto box holding gears

    Reckon so Sirus - the reason the insurance people gave for not writing it off was the amount of cars written off due to the flooding. I have since found out that the insurance company recommended a write off and their assessor advised against it. The car was off the road for close on three...
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    Auto box holding gears

    Hi folks - long time no post. Got bogged down with flooded houses and smashed up Freelanders in July and not been back on since. Happy to report that house is dried out and Freelander has now had in excess of 14k. spent on it in repairs (I said they should have written it of!!) and is now...
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    ouch! bosted freelander

    ????? sorry - you lost me there!
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    Roverron box

    As some of you may be aware, following its little coming together with a truck, my Freelander is off the road. It is looking likely that it will be off the road for a good few weeks yet and, as such, I have one of Roveron's magic boxes sitting doing nothing (decided to take it off before the...
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    HOw do I tell if I have the BMW engine?

    alternatively start the engine and go make a cuppa tea - if the head has warped by the time you get back then, sadly, it ain't the Beemer engine ;-)
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    Car trailer needed to borrow

    you tried the fella on the Thorns on the RHS - I have hired a car trailer from him in the past a few years back - I know a guy in 'da bridge' who has one but he got all huffy with me last time i borrowed it!
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    ouch! bosted freelander

    Hey Sirus - just noticed you are in Stourbridge too - small world!!! Well the news on the Freelander is that the danage is up to approx 10k. - apparently they are not writing cars off at the moment due to the unusually high amount of cars being written off due to the floods. I have been to...
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    Freelander auto box or not

    I have an 06 TD4 auto and erckon the Jatco box is one of the best out there - copes no worries with towing. I have one of Rover rons magic boxes fitted and enjoy better performance and fuel economy than from an unmolested TD4 manual.
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    Not understanding insurance

    Well the verdict is back from the body shop - it is repairable with the cost at approximately £7k. They have based the value of the car at £16k. Bear in mind that the car cost £18,800 new - its 15 months old and has 33k. miles on the clock - how on earth can the insurance assessor base the...
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    Radio removal 2006 Freelander

    nah! - its not that hard - you just have to go at it in a bit of an 'arse about face' way;)