1. N

    Off-Road event videos

    Hello, Thought I would share with you the trailers from our recent DVDs at various off-road events, including the AWDC Challenger 4x4 Championship, the Mud Monsters challenge, the Breslau rallye and British Dirt. I don't know if it still possible to put the videos in here directly any...
  2. N

    Lone Wolf Off-road in Cambodian Jungle Adventure video

    Off Road Jungle Adventures in Cambodia Mud, ruts, water, trees, rain, snakes, spiders, snakes and landmines stand in the way of the team reaching a remote waterfall in Koh Kong rainforest. With a small army of local militia in tow, Daniel and Nii drive along a old army track, on which the...
  3. N

    The Dunsfold Collection is this weekend - (Sunshine guaranteed!)

    We went down on the Sunday, and were able to get a photoshoot with the fifty50 vehicle, the Expedition Athena Vehicle, and our LoneWolf vehicle, (They are all gold wolves) it was quite a spectacular sight! I will try to get some photos up when I can...
  4. N

    Dirty Caption Comp.

    I can't see it, but do I want to? EDIT: see it now
  5. N

    Land Rovers on film

    If anyone still cares, there was a nice 110 in that new film, Da Vinci Code, and they had a nice spot of french laning!
  6. N

    6 months in Morocco & Western Sahara

    Hah, fair point! Your website makes interesting reading though Nick
  7. N

    6 months in Morocco & Western Sahara

    We will be travelling through Morroco in Mid January, for the start of our expedition, maybe if you are in the region at the time, you would like to meet up? Nick http://www.lonewolftransglobal.com
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    Cherished registration plates

    "I am not a number!!! I am a human being!!!" [the prisoner]
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    Cherished registration plates

    Classic plates, as in, plates that were the original registration on classic cars. I have an Austin Healey 3000 back home, and it has the registration "555 TSU" if that vehicle lost its registration (ie. a restoration) you would need to find a registration that was of approximately the right...
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    Cherished registration plates

    its a bit err, weighted. I personally think cherished plates are a good thing, especially classic numbers.
  11. N

    Hello All

    Time to introduce my brother, I think, he has just posted his introduction to the trip in expeditions forum, http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f15/lone-wolf-transglobal-expedition-2007-a-31160.html#post212695 Say hello, and between us, we will keep you updated on everything, as it progresses. Nick
  12. N

    Hello All

    Yes! fortunately, they decided it was too big and returned it before we got back to camp! I love the shim on the video, that was such a slippery section of track, its not that the mud was particularly deep, but it had rained heavily the week before, and the mud was very sticky like clay, and...
  13. N

    Hello All

    UPDATE: Work has been taking place at a rate of knots and is picking up pace. The first stage of modifications have taken place at TBR, including fitting our 24V husky winch from superwinch, adding a second battery bank to give us 4 Optima yellow top batteries, for failsafe and reliable...
  14. N

    Round the world

    have to agree with a fair bit of that, It depends on how much money you have! if you are rich, then no, you don't need anyone else to fund it, otherwise, you should be able to go out there, with a capable vehicle, (has been done in complete heaps)...
  15. N

    Hello All

    I'll have to try hard to refrain from killing him myself too! Thank you for the positive feedback guys. Fishface, where abouts in Bristol you from? you might notice on the "wolf in town" page, was taken in Bristol city centre, bit ambiguious I know, being in front of a brick wall, couldn't...
  16. N

    Hello All

    My biggest concerns, with respect to accidents are (in no particular order) head on collisions with Indian lorry drivers major punctures where I have to throw the tyre away (solved by carrying 3 spares and a trailer with a potential 2 more) People taking a dislike (or a liking depending on...
  17. N

    Hello All

    I agree, its not something I'd want coming through the windscreen at me either. Though I believe it to be sufficiently secure to permit the trade off against placing it on the roof, where something that is heavy will negatively affect the handling. We selected the Wolf, for its reliability, and...
  18. N

    Hello All

    Thank you for your reply, Did you mean this? http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f31/my-defender-dead-long-live-disco-28746.html?highlight=bonnet+wheel+crash
  19. N

    Hello All

    Hello everyone, a bit new to the land rover game, but I jumped in the deep end with a really special vehicle... My brother and I are planning a global expedition, and decided that a Land Rover Defender was obviously the way to go. I wanted something a little special from the start, so I...
  20. N

    Can my 110 cope?

    Hello, you shouldn't have any problems driving there, and indeed through Norway as the rouds for the most part should be reasonable, but if you are going and the weather is going to be cold, I suggest you plan to fill up on fuel as regularly as possible, because the Diesel you buy in warmer...