1. S


    Sorry Just realised this has a viscous coupling so i am assuming you mean remove 1 prop and turn the vehicle into 2 wheel drive Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Thanks Steve :doh:
  2. S


    thnks Tonyt37 Its in for MOT today so hopefully they will pick it up but not sure they will as the fault is intermittent, excuse the probably stupid queswtion but the fault only occurs when the freelander is moving and i am not aa mechanic far from it but how would i drive the vehicle with the...
  3. S


    Hi All New to the forum but hopping to get a bit of advise, fistly i am not sure if this is were i should post this thread and apologies if its wrong. I have a freelander 1.8 Xei petrol and i have noticed a vibration almost like a hum through the steering wheel its not constant at any speed...