1. frags

    info please

    sounds like a door/tailgate open warning, maybe a sticky switch, as for the blocks, there are good and bad, and as a friend said recently unless they are made of glass you might never know til it starts to go! usual things to look out for water in the oil, white smoke from exhaust, over...
  2. frags

    holland and holland edition.

    could be a dry soldered joint in the head unit, mine works with a tap then ges off when it feels like it, quick tap and it comes back on! i have also seen cut wires in the loom at the back of the unit, sometimes touching sometimes not. as everything works sometimes it must be connection related...
  3. frags

    holland and holland edition.

    hi, Check the cd changer lead is plugged in atr the back, i had a similar problem and the lead had come out, the battery going flat i think may be a problem with the rf unit, i recall a similar problem with this always seeking and running the battery down, Im sure others will have different...
  4. frags

    is this just the best mod for your range rover

    now thats a much better mod!!!
  5. frags

    is this just the best mod for your range rover

    Hey guys come on, its really a fancy snow plough attatchment, just the job!!
  6. frags


    i usually find the smell of rotten eggs a real good indicator, other than that emmisions test should do it
  7. frags

    Is 2k to 2.5k too little?

    you should find a decent one for that money, its already been said they are all money pits no matter how much you pay for it! but in my opinion worth every penny, i wouldnt be happy in anything else. love them or hate them (both sometimes) i still wouldnt change my motor! regards H
  8. frags

    Silly question Td V6 & Td V8

    whats another 2 cylinders between friends! mind you its a few more bolts for inept people to round off making it impossible to repair for the next guy :doh: H
  9. frags

    No sound from radio/sat nav

    I have just had the same problem with my harmon kardon system, it is a fault in the head unit itself maybe the same thing? H
  10. frags


    Thanks J, Im not sure as yet, will know more tomorrow when i get the heads off, its taking time due to lack of right tools! that and working outside inbetween showers!! H
  11. frags


    Well after the saga of my pride and joy breaking down, turns out the head gasket had gone, engine siezed. i started stripping it down and found loads of issues, missing gaskets, wrond rocker gasket! basically the previous owner had done some work on it and done a bodge job putting her back...
  12. frags

    4.6 using alot of oil

    I had the same problem, i am now having to do a rebuild after is siezed. the head gasket had gone, around number 4 pot, blowing into the con rods, oils was burnt and caked around rods. hope this helps Harry
  13. frags

    Engine died

    It did turn over before the battery died, the noise was different to big end noise(previous experience)! this sounded like it was from the top end. im just waiting to get it back up from the garage, then roll my sleeves up and get stuck in! it is def a love hate relationship with the P38! :)...
  14. frags

    Engine died

    My 97 4.6 decided to die on me, i had no indication of it going, it was running nicely, then 70 mph on the M40 oil light flashed on for a second loud ticking noise, i pulled over and she wouldnt start when RAC came out, Oil full, Water Full, no holes or spills! the garage reckon its siezed and...