1. H

    Disco Transfer box on a 200tdi 110

    Ups sugar! I have now actually de-oiled the Disco tranny box and found out the speedo is electronic! Where the speedo cable enters the box instead of a hole for the spedo cable there is small black plastic box with the id: 4H-221 AMR 1253. If I take that box of is the "normal" speedo cable hole...
  2. H

    Disco Transfer box on a 200tdi 110

    Yup thanks, I have swapped the 205s for the 7.50R16s a while ago so the 10% too fast showing speedo is now down to 3% too fast which is OK. With the disco transfer box that will be showing 10% too slow, so I will try what I think you say and use the disco svirwel. I come back in 2 weeks ! whn I...
  3. H

    Disco Transfer box on a 200tdi 110

    Hi Sean Taking my Defender 1.4 transfer box out (almost there after 7 hours :mad: cushion, cubby box and foot plates were hyper rusty) and changing it for a 1.2 Disco box. I'm using the handbrake parts from the Defender so handbrake should be OK. What about the speedo calibration. Shall I use...
  4. H

    R380 LT230 transferbox fit LT77 based 200 TDi

    Lovely, thanks Henrik
  5. H

    R380 LT230 transferbox fit LT77 based 200 TDi

    I have an 1987 Defender 90 with an 200 TDi Disco engine transplant and a LT77 original gearbox retained together with the 1.4 ratio LT230 transfer box. I want a 1.22 ratio (Disco) transfer box and have found one, but it comes from a Disco 1994 (i think) with a R380 gearbox. Then I can do 60mph...
  6. H

    Defender C4 petrol -> 200TDi conversion

    Hello Jai Just to let you know I have sourced a 1.2:1 200TDi Disco transfer box locally, will attempt to replace. many thanks for the advice. :) Henrik
  7. H

    Defender C4 petrol -> 200TDi conversion

    Hello Jai I am sometimes going up the M1 and A1 on business so might be able to orrganise a pickup. let me see what I can do. £60 is a good price many thanks. Bear with me afore a a week or two and I'll cpme back. Insured by NFU gave them the facts in a letter and they are fine with that no...
  8. H

    Defender C4 petrol -> 200TDi conversion

    Hello Jai, Sounds good, I am based 4 miles southwest of Horsham in Barns Green Cheers Henrik
  9. H

    Defender C4 petrol -> 200TDi conversion

    Hi Discomania, Excellent, many thanks for the advice, all makes sense. Done as you suggested with DVLA and insurance. Cheers Henrik
  10. H

    Defender C4 petrol -> 200TDi conversion

    Hello Everybody, I have just had my 1987 Defender C4 90 converted from petrol to a 200TDi (donated from a Discovery). Steve Parker supplied a conversion kit + various other stuff incl. new wiring and extensions to the cooling pipes etc. Have any of you any experience with the temperature...