1. O


    ok guys could use some advice pls :) Im currently running a 200tdi out of a disco in a B reg 90... both middle and rear silencer boxes on the exhaust have now broken away from the metal brackets. As the exhaust was fitted prior to my ownership i have no idea what exhaust was used, can anyone...
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    turbo charger

    looks like the turbo charger on my disco engine may need changing, anyone done it themselves and how long did it take ? anything i should be wary of ? The engine has been retro fitted into a defender 90
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    How strong is the N/A?

    lol very true , my inexperiance showing ! :)
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    How strong is the N/A?

    its not the height of the trees you want to worry about if your gonna try pulling them over, it's the girth oooo errr, oh and excavate all the way around the tree as much as possible but with a deeper section in the direction of pull, ideally with the rope at least half to three quarters up the...
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    thanks for the input guys , much appreciated :)
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    where and how ?
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    slight engine knocking sound last weekend that rapidly developed into very bad and loud knocking sound, burning through oil, black smoke from exhaust, have receipt from 2 yrs ago when a refurb engine was apparently put in. vheicle is currently at garrage, budget is mega tight for me at the...
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    firstly .. hello:) secondly help pls! My 1984 turbo diesel 90 needs a new engine and being the complete landrover novice i am i could really use any advice as to what to replace it with, where from and what you'd expect it to cost. keeping costs down to a minimum is a must, oh and before anyone...