1. R

    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Insurance!:screaming_bug_eye_f :Cry::Cry::Cry:
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Trewminator! :hysterically_laughi 2:18 on The Trewminator's second vid. :Cry: and I thought Stumpy was BEHIND me!
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Well the "proper Landies" looked :cool: :Cry:
  4. R

    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    The Mrs always did like them big :D (I think it's 2055 with steps and 2190 with mirrors!:eek:) Next time I might just bring a bus!
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    :Cry:Only 'cos yer narrower! (Oh, and I might have been a little impatient!:o) 1790mm for a Defender, 1915mm for a D3!:eek: I call that unfair advantage! Anyhow, I like trees, I do! :D
  6. R

    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    and this is why I didn't really mind the damage and why I love the D3... (Post Laning clean) And this was the wheel arch and side step in question...
  7. R

    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Er...sorry guys :frusty: Good recovery though, in the end. Just need a few poppers and a bit of glue for the front wheel arch and I'll fix the dent in the step at work tomorrow. All the scratches are gone and it's looking good as new. Pretty resilient beast, really...helped by a good recovery...
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Yes it was...but in this case that proved pretty useful! The rock sliders are in the shed awaiting fitting. :D Wasn't the first and I'm sure it won't be the last...although I probably am quite mad!
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Not according to the clinic :doh: Nah...it's still on the shopping list.
  10. R


    Should get a D3 then:D
  11. R

    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    I won't be needing my front bash plate, will I?:D 'Cos it just broke my wrench:eek:
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Yep! If I can find my way to Liskeard...'tis up noorf for me, ya know? You've got my mob.
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    Mmmmmm Fnords. I like Fnords.:) Need more rain, though
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    S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S outing 14th June 2009

    No Mud Tyres.......Check! Scratches......:Cry: Check! (drove it through a gorse thicket the other week:eek:...wrong turn!:doh:. Mild scratches are not a (big) problem. It's the deeper stuff that Redruth kids do with a set of keys that I hate:mad: )
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    I wanna be a S*L*A*P*P*E*R !!!

    Thanks for the welcome, chaps:) Treworgey 90 - Scratches, you say? :Cry: But my D3 :Cry:And who's Fred:frusty: Odenne - An induction? Do I have to wear that dress again!? :rolleyes: Like the vids!
  16. R

    I wanna be a S*L*A*P*P*E*R !!!

    I haven't read much of this site, yet, but you guys are clearly barking! Nutters, I tell you! A bunch of bleedin' nutters! :crazy: Er....Hi!:D So, how does a posh git (I'm really so very not!) with a Disco3 get to join the...er...S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S then!?:hug: DaveT is, I believe...