1. K

    GOOD suppliers!

    I used to run a mail order based business and aslong as i informed customers of what was going on with their order, with the option of a refund i and they, seemed to be, happy! Its the suppliers that string you on for weeks that do my head in!
  2. K

    Planning a trip - where to start

    I've been pretty handy with a spanner in the past, fixing everything on my motocross bikes from the age of 11 but havn't touched car repairs since our 109 that we built when i was 13 so might be a good idea to actually get a battered Disco and learn to repair them properly. We used to be a...
  3. K

    Planning a trip - where to start

    I've recently joined the forum after deciding to pick up a cheap Discovery. I will have the cash for the vehicle within the next few weeks and will add parts as and when i can (when money allows - 20 years old and at college!) I'm looking to do some weekends away in the UK then start...
  4. K

    Buying a Disco

    Not to perfection, but hey!
  5. K

    A website i made!

    Yeh it does take some time to maintain :(
  6. K

    Cant' wait

    Can't wait to get mine now :)
  7. K

    Cant' wait

    Found a few pictures of our old Discovery we had when i was about 14/15 ( it was my dads!)
  8. K

    A website i made!

    muddy-landrover.tk Thought this was quite funny, i've been looking through my old pictures and found a link to this site i made when i was 13, not exactly the best in the world but hey!
  9. K

    Newcomer :)

    Just found this lol - muddy-landrover.tk made it when i was 13
  10. K

    Buying a Disco

    I was told it was closed down early this year, so went down in my Van and my MX bike to check it out and it was open. Tom is always involved in disputes with councils, alot of the times its because 4x4's and bikes leave his premises and start churning up the countryside.
  11. K

    Buying a Disco

    Thanks for the comments. My initial plans are to go the likes of Tixover, Toms Farm in Wales (not sure if you have heard of this, great place, somewhere thats good for 4x4/motocross) and some local lanes. I'm only 20 so most of my mates are into lowered fast cars rather than 2" lifted 4x4's...
  12. K

    Buying a Disco

    Good point!
  13. K

    Newcomer :)

    Think i've decided on getting a Cheap Discovery :) Hopefully going to be doing some overland trips this year :)
  14. K

    Buying a Disco

    Yeh i suppose, i was hoping of spending a bit of money on it, and travelling fairly far away from home, so could do with making it slightly reliable :) Some good off roader discos on ebay but more toward the 2k mark
  15. K

    Buying a Disco

    Hey All, I'm fairly new here but have been enjoying reading a few posts, especially this one http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f8/my-first-discovery-72415-4.html. Originally i was looking at getting a Series 3 that was just about road going and adding bits and bobs as and when i could afford it...
  16. K

    Newcomer :)

    Thanks - Spam?
  17. K

    4x4 Trails/Maps!

    Is there any software where you can plug in a local area code and it brings up local trails/off road routes in Europe?
  18. K

    Looking to rebuild an old 88"

    Hey, Yep pretty much :) Don't bother me what people think really, my money, my choice :)
  19. K

    Looking to rebuild an old 88"

    Hello, Sorry my post didn't mean 'Why isnt anyone answering me' it was more of a reply to your post which suggested that this sort of talk might not be welcome :)
  20. K

    Looking to rebuild an old 88"

    I don't really care about Tax Exempt and i'd be looking for a Battered Series 3 which is 71-85 so chances are its most likely to not be tax exempt anyway. Does that mean i'm unlikely to get any help here?