1. S

    new year

    have a good one , even you tractor drivers.
  2. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    Not poor taste but a poor bank balance. I was a gun fitter in the REME I like big bangs.
  3. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    I gave up the cigarettes years ago when serving with an airbourne regiment needed to be fit. Then got posted to a normal regiment and started drinking and smoking cigars did not need to be quite so fit. Big mistake now I coach boxing and am forever telling kids not to smoke. Do as I say not as...
  4. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    royal dutch miniatures. As it says on the tin smokers die younger
  5. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    I gotta agree with Nathan you are all mad . Must be why I enjoyed Saturday so much I fitted right in. Not sure if I am mad or just stupid to take my freelander where I did though got to admit I avoided the really deep bits.
  6. S

    How many newbies??

    If she dont know why stop spending ?
  7. S

    Can we have a Sin Bin??

    No No No sin bin not needed I like reading the threads makes me laugh, then again I am easily amused.
  8. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    Got home at 1730 she thinks I was at work. I cant wait till she spots the mud
  9. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    Great day thanks for letting me tag along. Never seen a Disco trying to be a submarine before.
  10. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    what size socket you need ? I could run one over after work if it helps I am likely to finish arround 12ish
  11. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    Go on Git your arse out there in the rain and dark and get it sorted. I have just had to replace daughters exhaust whilst laying in a puddle. Now warming myself up with a bottle of Bells whisky.
  12. S

    Salisbury Plain next weekend

    got work in the morning but may might take a drive over in the afternoon. I will bring the freelander and try not to let the doors fall off.
  13. S

    Drilling a 36mm hole!

    I got one at 32mm and another at 38mm .Drive down to Eastleigh and you are welcome to use them.
  14. S

    Drilling a 36mm hole!

    Use a good quality hole saw and plenty of cutting fluid
  15. S

    Southampton to Argyll

    Looking like I will be travelling to Scotland next Friday and returning Monday 25th to 28th.
  16. S

    Any lanes in new forest??

    Dont know of any in the forest but there is a few arround the Kings Sombourne area and it is not to far to get up to Salisbury plain. Last time I went most were over grown and scratchy. Best to get some ordnance survey maps of area . I use the explorer range of maps 1 : 25000 scale, numbers 130...
  17. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    My own fault really I was turning right at a junction, car coming from my right was indicating to turn left but did not bother I pulled out she drove into me. Hit me on tyre causing damage listed above.:mad:
  18. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    I managed to allmost rip off side front wheel off, snapped lower ball joint from wish bone, broke stabaliser link from anti roll bar, ripped apart brake hose and smashed wheel speed sensor. Wheel was at right angle to car. Rebuilt some of it tonight just got to aquire brake hose and bleed system...
  19. S

    Can i get rid of my freelanders backbox?

    I have chucked my back box and replaced with a straight piece of pipe with a bracket welded on to attach to rubber mount on left side of where box used to be. It is a little louder but not to bad.