1. Indy 109

    **** taking

    OH sorry ! I really did get the wrong end of the stick , I suppose an abject apology to all concerned is in order to stop me from getting banned then, ok i'll stop and say sorry, sorry, truely i did believe tis was the **** takin thread and to keep it out of the others, ah well **** happens!!!
  2. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Apology extended..
  3. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Pology extended...
  4. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Apology extended...
  5. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Apology extended...
  6. Indy 109

    **** taking

    BOLLACKS!!!:clap2: I could see youse wuz too clever fer me when i walked in rat!
  7. Indy 109

    **** taking

    And on the subject of **** takin, when asked whether she preffered a plain paint scheme to a cammo one and shown two pictures my missus said,"Its hard to decide i'd have to see a real one, you dont see many around do you" to which my answering reply was"HELLOO thats because theyre cammoflaged...
  8. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Good man Dripper,
  9. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Isnt that just the problem Optimus, as the lowest common denominator i.e the lingua franca ,speaking just the one language is the most that most people can manage not the leaste(sic). The English tongue is actually made up of several languages as you are no doubt aware so we start out at an...
  10. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Its only right an proper to whippit occasionaly, they have "RIGHTS"these days i'm told! as for flat caps the less said the better, cause if the rest of the world found out their secret WE would no longer be the race of supreme beer guzzelers that we have so proudly and at such cost come to be...
  11. Indy 109

    **** taking

    PS as a geordie that makes all the rest of youse that aint one foreigners, foriegners forenerers, (sod it not from the right place)fact.:D
  12. Indy 109

    **** taking

    Theres more ways of takin the **** than carrying it away in a bucket...an i aint welsh i just appen to live ere, I appen to be a born n bred geordie an ah mae be ganna nyem one day ifn ah cn afford th fuel hinny....:banana::mil15:
  13. Indy 109

    Landyzone Stickers Choose here

    Are these stickers available on hire purchase/installments as they seem a bit steep what with the economic agression/price of fuel/wheat in australia/ and also im broke after doin the paint job! Could they not be given away free to anyone with a series 1,2 or 3,as theyre mostly broke just...
  14. Indy 109

    good mornin fred

    Mornin Gertie, ratty & red, just found the g'day thread so this is where you all hide out is it? Great mornin here in welsh walesland,soft rain fallin collecting on me lastic spray booth and ****ing in on me freshly painted landy through holes in the NEW plastic sheet that they threw in for...
  15. Indy 109

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Today i sprayed me landy in grey cellulose primer, that xylene's a good drug maaaaan!!!
  16. Indy 109

    etch primer help please

    Xylene what a girl, WHAT a drug, now i KNOW why the kids do butane,hee heee hee!!hic burp...xxxxxzyleeeeeene...:hysterically_laughi am i really flying santa or are your reindeer on the ground.... must wear a mask next time...(just kidding course i wore one but the fumes get in to the hole i cut...
  17. Indy 109

    Active Cornering Issues

    It used to be (and may still be) "if it aint fitted they cant test it", whether you need it is another matter. Always a pleasure to follow gertie! yeah welcome disco forum is on another page...
  18. Indy 109

    etch primer help please

    ta vivnap put the etch on this arvo and seems ok so far...
  19. Indy 109


    If you get banned for mentioning him will I cos i did tooo...oh sh1t banned twice in one day ho hummm!! Bliney festerin hedgehog eh! never mind the trick now yure out is not to go back, its far too wet there....
  20. Indy 109

    **** taking

    who th wha th why th...pi ss ta ki n s a na ti on al sp urt,an iz gud ta c it flo ur is hi ng ere...jus cos sum twa ts own fr ee la nd rs an ca nt ta ke it sh ud nt me an it sh ud stp. as a ne w bo y ear ai spose ai wll be ba nn ed st rai gh t aw ay, wuz wu rt it tho! Ne xt fo rs ki n pl ea...