1. webby

    Range rover to diffy wheels

    nice, i like it, thank you very much,
  2. webby

    Range rover to diffy wheels

    there about £85 :( thats to much, anyone got anything better,
  3. webby

    Range rover to diffy wheels

    thank you very much! ill look into it
  4. webby

    Range rover to diffy wheels

    help! how can you change the wheels of a diffy to the new style range rover wheels, can i use standed spacers, or addapters. thanks webby
  5. webby

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    did some one just "lol"??????????
  6. webby

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    i watched the super bowl last night, well most of it, there are so many brakes, after every 4 plays or less there is adverts!!!! but the steelers did win so its wasnt too bad. the best bit was when some bloke did a really impressive run, in rugby he would have had to play on, but in yank land he...
  7. webby

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    yes, we aren’t uncultured like the yanks
  8. webby

    land rover 90 smokes

    i bet it is pink and fluffy, o wait its not a freelander!
  9. webby

    Who's coming to Briercliffe this Weekend 5th Feb

    did anyone go to the aston cantlow one about three weeks back??????
  10. webby

    Lubrication of 90, disk brake axle

    you want to oil the brakes?
  11. webby

    Loud screeching noise - help please

    yeah but then everyone would have to buy microphones, hmm... maybe it not such a good plan!
  12. webby


    i have seen it on a fishing rods! and on a larger winch at a boat yard for towing boats up the ramp, but not the size you want
  13. webby

    Loud screeching noise - help please

    hay do you think they could put that in, would be really good to be able to hear stuff, wouldnt help me find what the fault is, i'm rubbish, but others could!!
  14. webby

    installing new headset and multi-cd player

    you need a + 12 volt called a remote line, this turn the amp on and off with the cd palyer, or have i totally missed the point
  15. webby

    truck cab (WANTED)

    try looking a diffys for breaking!
  16. webby

    Loud screeching noise - help please

    p.s. that was in a 110!
  17. webby

    Loud screeching noise - help please

    I had a similar problem coming back from spain a few years ago, but we kept going, it turned out to be the rear diff, oil had leaked out and the drive wheel expands with the heat and rubs against the diff housing, in the end it cut a hole right through and the back axle locks up. Just a thought.
  18. webby

    is any one about tonight

    hay, MeLLoN Stu, did you used to work on oil tankers?
  19. webby

    90 TD5 Drivetrain Niggles

    wow ormus thats the stumpiest looking dico i did ever see