1. W

    fuel pump confusion

    thanks for you help!!!
  2. W

    fuel pump confusion

    im fitting a 1992 defender engine to my td defender the looks to 2 cables for the throttle and only one on the td can i just use one?? please help
  3. W

    200TDI cooling

    the coolent tempature can exceed 100c because it is under pressure and the precance antifreeze the is some evidence to back this up below hope this takes away your worry :D " Pressurization Modern automotive cooling systems are slightly pressurized. This raises the boiling-point of the...
  4. W

    fitting a 200 tdi to my td

    will the exhaust down pipe from the manafold on my td easly join up with defender 200tdi that im fitting or will i need to fit a 200 tdi system??
  5. W

    td to 200 tdi

  6. W

    td to 200 tdi

    im swaping my 1989 td for a defender 200 tdi will i have to make any changes to the wiring for the heater pluges and alternater?? thanks
  7. W

    There oil in my air filter!!

    it covers the elemnt, there is a little at the bottm of the housing but not a lot.
  8. W

    There oil in my air filter!!

    i have a 1989 90 with a 2.5 TD that has do 122,000 miles there seems to be a some oil in my air filter, is the a problem??
  9. W

    over heating

    it is the standard turbo diesel. and when i come to a stop cool down quically, but when at high speed or if climing a hill it go to the very top of normal.
  10. W

    over heating

    my td 90 is over heating when at high speeds or going up a long hill. have changed the rad and has made it over heat less. could it be a failed thermostate?? and which way does the thermostate go in to the housing??
  11. W

    removing the front calliper

    I am planning on changing my front dise on my 1989 td 90, but there are some bolts with diffrent shaped bolt heads holding the calliper in place any one know what they and the size?? :)
  12. W

    300tdi bad starter

    would problly say somthing to do with the heater plugs!!!
  13. W

    fuel tank leaks when full. pressure build up?

    if there is pressure in the tank this could be down to a damaged diaphram in the fuel pump. had this problem on a 1989 110 TD. in the end it damaged the seams on the tank. so i got the bill for a tank and the repare on the pump. diesel specalis will put a new daaphram or the other opion is a new...
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    Hi There Every One

    a 1989 90 TD, has had a lot spent on it now. was a shed when i got it!!!
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    Hi There Every One

    hi every one :) . been a land rover owner for a while now! like land rover since a far a can remember!!! hope that i be able to ofer some help and addvice. and you lot can help me!
  16. W

    there is a delay befor my light come on any suggestion??

    the side light and the rear light work. have replaced the componets stated.
  17. W

    there is a delay befor my light come on any suggestion??

    both thye head lights do no work. and come on at the same time. but the flash works. thank for the help
  18. W

    there is a delay befor my light come on any suggestion??

    the light on my 1989 g reg 90 has a delay of 2 to 5 mins (depends how cold it is) when the head lights when they are swiched on. This only happen when starting from cold or has been stoped for over 30 mins. when the light have come on they stay on with no problems. have tryed the rely in the...