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    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Millions of pics from the AMAZING reccy yesterday :dance: ...PICCIES...
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    Basingstoke Lanes 10 April 2011

    ...oh and a big thanks to Snifflebags and Instantsquid and of course Daft for a great summers day laning :O)
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    Basingstoke Lanes 10 April 2011

    Hi peeps just some piccies of todays laning trip only a few uploaded so far...but there will be more to follow :D:D:D:D:D:D
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    Spring 2011 Newbies run - S Basingstoke

    Hey dad isn't it .....1 work in progress, 1 for spares and 1 that drives ....well at the moment lol :p
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    Spring 2011 Newbies run - S Basingstoke

    Will be working on Basingstoke/Newbury runs very soon and also checking out the local pubs en-route too!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
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    Spring 2011 Newbies run - S Basingstoke

    Only a few pics I am afraid just began to feel semi human towards the end....thanks for a great day in the spring sunshine gentlemen and ladies :O)
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    Patmans Playtime Ramble - 25April2010

    here are a few pictures I took..... Better safe than sorry Devils highway flytipping.
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    mad medallion man

    Yes Gents (cough cough) it's me ...However please can i just make a quick note that the timeline to this picture also includes me so be carefull boys i'm not that old!!!!!:p:p
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    A little laning with the family

    Thanks MHM for a good afternoon got the bug again for Laning ...but next time can i not have concussion, bruised elebows and cut arms ?!?!?!? the back seats of the greenie are not the place to be bouncin' around lol :O)
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    SLUTS Recce - 14 Mar 2009

    :p:biggrin1::D Looks like you had a goood day for it ....boo hoo that i missed it :(
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    looked at yours MHM - Basyngstoches ????? wtf is that :D:D get back to ya welderising and grinding you !!!:mad:
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    Newbie seeking advice

    :p:p:p now that sounds like a good idea .....:D:D:D
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    What have you done to your Landie today.

    ...shame i have several ideas now:D:D
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    Re: No sign of my Defender, What is this car worth?

    ....hope u weren't refering to me !!!!! ...or i shall redirect my "help" elsewhere :mad:
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    Re: No sign of my Defender, What is this car worth?

    ...he cant help it Boomer it's his age......oops :D:D
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    Re: No sign of my Defender, What is this car worth?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha:rolleyes:
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    Re: No sign of my Defender, What is this car worth?

    ....it's ok daddy ... i am a big girl now i can help !!!:D
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    Re: No sign of my Defender, What is this car worth?

    ....fair enough.... i can make it rough....:eek:
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    Re: No sign of my Defender, What is this car worth?

    ...i'll add to him ever increasing list.....but would the rolling pin work ???:D:D