Look, you're asking for something you haven't defined. Do you mean Nottingham Discovery Club?

What, exactly, do you mean?
So why not just ask that first? :crazy:

Yes, to both of your questions, I'm in DOC and it is worth it. ;)

But that's me, your requirements might be different.
sorry tryin to do about 10jobs at once. i joinned a few months ago but as yet ave not managed to get to the gose to meet u all. ave got a disco nd want to use it propperly nd just wondered if there was any lanein soon.
sorry tryin to do about 10jobs at once. i joinned a few months ago but as yet ave not managed to get to the gose to meet u all. ave got a disco nd want to use it propperly nd just wondered if there was any lanein soon.

mite be useful to change your usercp to show where you live.
i guessed that.. I just didn't get the rest of the ramblings..

anyway, get back to tuftee.. daftlett wants it fixed before she buys hers so you got time to look after it for her....
i guessed that.. I just didn't get the rest of the ramblings..

anyway, get back to tuftee.. daftlett wants it fixed before she buys hers so you got time to look after it for her....

It's nice to feel wanted int it MHM?:p

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