1. R

    Questions on buying/owning a Lightweight

    There will definately be mountings for twin tanks and the switch, but it may well not have them. Loads of them are converted to single tank or just never had twins in the first place. Dunno which.
  2. R

    Questions on buying/owning a Lightweight

    I paid 500 for a 2a, but it needed a total rebuild. You'll not get one in decent nick for under £1500, be lucky to get under 2k really. People don't seem to want to sell working ones for under that. You'll find projects for a grand and TBH that's what it sounds like if it's just been patched...
  3. R

    Do you need free wheeling hubs?

    BECAUSE USING FWH COULD BE FATAL! lol, where do people like that crawl out of? However, IMO don't bother waste of time money and effort.
  4. R

    series 2, petrol , fan

    I'd be asken fer me fins back!
  5. R


    Service manual says degrease em, not grease em.
  6. R

    IIa Hub seal replacement

    Oil goes in the side geezer, there's a gizmo to unscrew on the rearward facing side. I use a halfrauds 1litre pumpy thing. Squeezy washing up bottle would probs do a good job though.
  7. R

    IIa Hub seal replacement

    They're only a fiver, but you need a suitable bar to turn em. BTW if it's leaking on the outside of the tyre, then some pillock could have stripped the threads for the hub cap, in that case you need a new hub. Not a big deal I don't think but I've only replaced a rear hub so I dunno.
  8. R


    It that a euphemism for septic? :suspicious:
  9. R


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieseling Just walking out the door now. :5bseeya:
  10. R


    I thought it was called dieseling? Or do you mean it's caused by advanced timing and preignition? :o I'll pre-emptively get my coat.
  11. R

    Replacement bulkheads

    haha that must have a 1k reserve. Dipping is like £100, and you just need a MIG and some patch panels for the rest. He's selling lightweight stuff as well, way overpriced and looks patchy to say the least..
  12. R

    Replacement engine Question!

    It's A V8 Mate!! - Land Rover Zone :pop2:
  13. R

    Finding the build date

  14. R

    Finding the build date

    Actually someone on there recently said a fiver, so I really don't know. I know it's more than I want to pay, whatever it is. :D
  15. R

    Finding the build date

    I think it's what the MOD uses since they went from index cards to computer filing. You can pay £25 to someone at ELMRA and they dig that stuff up for you.
  16. R

    Finding the build date

    What you really want is the military info from the Merlin report or a copy of the vehicle's record card.
  17. R

    Finding the build date

    Some people just like data plates, a lot.
  18. R

    Finding the build date

    Go to ELMRA and ask, it'll keep em all occupied for a couple of hours. Ex-Military Land Rover Association :: Index
  19. R

    My 88' Project

    I think they're all upset that you're going to pimp yer wife's landy.