Ok that could be anywhere in the High Atlas! Which direction is the photo taken? That looks like the same range at Jbel Toubkal in the background. Although snow peaks could be lower at that time of year. Eastside of Imilchil looking South?
I think I know the one. Forms a loop that links up with the main N road just SE of marak.

Did you ride Ait - Mar in 1 day?
I'm pretty sure all lightweights will have been built with twin tanks.
BUT two things I have learnt over the years:
Never say Land Raver never made....
Never say the Army never used.....
There will definately be mountings for twin tanks and the switch, but it may well not have them.

Loads of them are converted to single tank or just never had twins in the first place. Dunno which.
If its a V8 has the oil filter been made remote? if not check for a dented filter. Front axle comes up and dents/makes a mess of the oil filter. Common problem with series conversions especially when comp safari racing. I f that has been sorted either by longer bump stops or being moved it says alot for the conversion. As per before old components if driven hard or badly then things will break for sure. Some say that because it is a V8 the power transfer is alot smoother than a normal LR diesel and therefore can take the abuse if driven smoothly. A good V8 can drop its tick over down to 600Rpm possibly 550 Rpm when pulling away try and get a diesel to rop below 750Rpm and be smooth. Jai
Hi, I personally would try for something close to original. All the mucking about with mods over the years makes life difficult! I bought my series 3 lightweight about a year ago, with full history, the only mod being BFG tyres, and its been the most reliable car I've had for ages!. Bits are easy and cheap to source too cos they all fit the chassis and engine nos!

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