1. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    you have met the wife then...:p
  2. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    The witch has gone. May she be broken into a thousand pieces and each piece broken in two. Not bitter. much. but the past is the past, except for my Defender memories. so, the search for a county begins.....:screaming_bug_eye_f
  3. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    cheers saint, I have already looked at a few whilst on ebay, I think I will be posh and go for a county! ;)
  4. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    took it out yesterday, did 8 miles, the new fuel pump packed up. Took it out, hit it (enjoyed that part) put it back in and flattened the battery trying to start it. RAC rescue, jump started it and it ran. He followed me home, (3 miles) and despite a 30 min rest waiting for RAC it overheted as...
  5. lil4399

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    put it on Ebay
  6. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    I did disconnect the rf but that had no difference, the key issue has stopped itself today(!?!) and instead overheated.... The water was coming from the cap rather than the overflow pipe as it did when the head went so ordered a new cap - I just can't help myself replacing things!! If the...
  7. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    Stopover, I have to put this car on a trickle charge EVERY night. My local garage says it starts the next morning for them, so I put it down to the big metal box on a post 10m away (power cables) it hums so must have high voltage. That or mine & my next door internet and cordless doorbells...
  8. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    Kev, you are so close to me I am sure you must have heard me having a Faulty Towers moment (Daily actually) I took the outlet pipe off the pump today and turned the ignition on, the pressure did not seem right so I put another one on (I always have spares as I run biofuel and eat pumps) jump...
  9. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    The only thing I have learnt to rely on with this one is that it is never reliable. I know when I try to start it tomorrow, because I don't need it, it will probably start. When I need it the next day, it will not.
  10. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    Saint Datatek has given me dozens of tips over the years - its a 2.5dhse I don't think you are having a pop, my reason for scrapping is Conscience, I could not face myself knowing I had passed on such a constantly troublesome car, causing the stress I am enduring to someone else.
  11. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    Saint, If you look at the lines on the bottom of my posts, I have persevered with a duff car I got stiched with. I have not quibbled on the expense, every fault has been corrected - with new parts each time. I have put it in the garage for certain work - never complained about the cost, but...
  12. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    Datatek, You have been the greatest source of sanity for me in my battles against this Satan-Car. I would love to beat it but it has beaten me. I have a lot of stress at work, not knowing if I am going to get to work/between sites/home is one too many. I have been working my way through...
  13. lil4399

    Enough is enough - its going.

    Well my P38 experience is over I have decided enough is enough of what must be the worst car ever built. Unbelievably by Land Rover who make the greatest. I have owned it for 4 years, got stung buying it - overheated on the way home! bought new: Radiator, Viscous fan, water pump, then...
  14. lil4399

    Diesel Just won't start

    also if out of sync the dash will ask you for the code. If the engine is turning over but not starting defender300 is right and the problem is in the fip probably the solenoid
  15. lil4399

    P38 automatic gear selector cable

    SNAP! I have all these symptoms, I have changed the transfer ecu - that had no effect. I have looked today at the large (something) on the side of the transfer box, it is held on with three bolts so limited possibility of moving it - or am I looking at the same thing? I will pull the centre...
  16. lil4399

    P38 automatic gear selector cable

    Tax, let us know if it works, I have had "select neutral" up for a while, changed the transfer box module today (having read EVERY thread on here re the fault), it did not work! no idea what to try next so if your cable change works I will try that.
  17. lil4399

    p38 key code

    mine has issues taking the code. Start with the code e.g. 2 2 1 3 turn to lock the key twice - if the lights flash each time it is working. if it does not flash, leave for 10 mins then start with four turns to lock, then put the code sequence in. make sure you turn the key and return only to...
  18. lil4399

    P38 non starting

    Will do, I will then post the info. :cool2:
  19. lil4399

    P38 non starting

    UPDATE Call from garage today, they have swapped the module unit (?) on the injector pump and vroom! not sure what the module unit does, but everyone else bear this in mind before ripping out the injector pump. Battery test came up that battery was fine so they are looking at it now to check...
  20. lil4399

    P38 non starting

    Some really useful info guys, much appreciated. Will go to the Garage this afternoon and get them to put the biggest battery they have on it, and use quick start to get it to fire, if nothing happens I will have to suspect something (major) mechanical is the cause and whip out the injector pump...