1. DD3

    AC DIY recharge

    Useful thread given time of year. Hammering down the motorway, hit the AC button and suddenly it started to work. Its not icy cold but it is defo better than nothing. No explanation and I will get it properly checked over when time and money allow.
  2. DD3

    Thinking of changing

    Yea but no but, its the same test for all. Not a rule, but essentially, the newer the car model the higher survival chances in a bad accident. My lads 07 Corsa has a higher score than my 01.
  3. DD3

    Thinking of changing

    No need to speculate - HOME | Euro NCAP - For safer cars crash test safety rating
  4. DD3

    G sensor

    Land Rover know it - they clever that way:)
  5. DD3

    TD4?.....Had enough!, time to sell.

    In sympathy.. I know this level of frustration. Decided to replace the belt tensioners and belts on my new one as they looked ropy and did not sound great - simple enuf task. Spent best part of a day trying to get the main V belt back on, with scratched knuckles, arms etc. The issue is access, v...
  6. DD3

    Keep an eye out for it

    Defo one of the things that put me off this forum and ultimately the Freelander. I've not joined any BMW forums as yet but just having a glance thru they seem a bit more friendly and less defensive about their car choices.
  7. DD3

    AC DIY recharge

    Thanks chaps - good advice. As I don’t appear to have any cold air at all better get it checked over. TBH having working aircon has never worried me much (pipe split on my FL a couple of years back and never bothered to fix) but as this one has the climate control gizmo, I feel it needs to...
  8. DD3

    AC DIY recharge

    Hi Gang, maybe counter intuative of me but decided not to join BMW forums for time being while I get to know my new ride:). So, a quick Q from a recently ex FL1 owner. Has anybody used the AC recharge in a can gizmo from halfords - does it work? Tx.
  9. DD3

    2Litre Turbo Hippo

    Following with interest!!
  10. DD3

    Freelander gone

    Defo not for snow - but we dont get that much really and when we do will have to beg a lift with wifey. When you drive one, every other car is a BMW - fook they everywhere! Well, I think that really is me over and out :)
  11. DD3

    Freelander gone

    I liked my Fleabag for the most part. After 4 days with the new one, including a trip to Cardiff - I am smitten, ah loves young dream!! Any comparisons would be meaningless as the two vehicles are so different. It's easy to see why those that can afford it have more then one type of car. :)
  12. DD3

    Freelander gone

    Shhhhhh - welcome to the BMW Owners Club DD3. Enjoy the smoothness of the ride,,Its A BMW!!!! Let us know when you get your E90 SV. Auto, which I had not planned on but the Steptronic gismo is clever. Smooth as silk Indi:) Keep trying to put the clutch in!
  13. DD3

    Freelander gone

    Cheers gang. I've no illusions that this thing could cost me a fortune but boy she gets up the road - have a 15 month warranty, so let the ride begin!!
  14. DD3

    Freelander gone

    BMW 330Ci (I know, mid life crisis).
  15. DD3

    Freelander gone

    ....and will be missed after 5 years, but time to move on. The new one is silly fast and will probs get me in a load of bother somewhere up the road. All the best Chaps. DD3:)
  16. DD3

    VCU Repair

    That's the plan:D
  17. DD3

    VCU Repair

  18. DD3

    VCU Repair

    Ha ha, not for me. Heart set on a 330i tbh. Test drove one the other day - it was a bit scruffy interior but feck did it get up the road!!:D
  19. DD3

    VCU Repair

    Was determined not to post again, (have to admit to a sneaky read) but could not resist. There is defo something wrong in the heads of peps who buy Freelanders, me included. Madness thru repetition as someone clever once said. Well its the VCU saga, again!!! Come on guys!! Now, what I have found...
  20. DD3

    Potential Freelander 2 Owner

    This is the insight that the OP was looking for.