1. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    ouch. sorry to hear you are out of pocket kris. last i heard was that after his little spat with 1dirtylandy he was carrying on. did he give a reason for pulling out?
  2. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    ffs, mek yer mind up, why the **** not???
  3. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    right, ive sorted my landy, any spaces available on this lanin trip still
  4. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    i already did
  5. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    i dont understad what you mean by "happy valley is a very technical lane". to be honest, your attitude of, well it works for me, isn really a good one. i don't doubt the guys that go with you will enjoy the lanes, but to be honest, i agree with what dirty is saying about there being a lot...
  6. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    personally, i wouldnt do wayfarers as its over done, as is corwen carwash, and to be honest happy valley is alright in parts but most of it is a bit of a dirt track, there are plenty of lanes to be done in the area you are looking at without touching wayfarers or the carwash. why start in...
  7. yella

    LZ Green Laning Weekend 31th jan

    as a local, i know pretty much all the lanes around this area, there are a lot of lanes around here that are pretty much unused and more enjoyable than the regular lanes that everyone does week after week. ive been out with dirty and he knows his stuff, he also has a vast knowledge of the local...
  8. yella

    Hybrid Info Needed

    heres a finished one that looks proper
  9. yella

    Hybrid Info Needed

    building a hybrid is a big project for anyone, its the sort of thing that takes a lot of trial and error and a lot of time. it seems you have both the dodnor chassis and the donor body. if you have room/time/know how, then go for it. there are plenty of forums with knowlegable folk on out there...
  10. yella

    Defender 110 hardtop interior

    yer mean yer admit ter avin a mate called KEITH !!!!!!!
  11. yella

    Hybrid Info Needed

    hybrids are great if done properly but they are a mess if not. what sort of body are you thinking of putting on it. there is a lot of work involved in making a good looking 100 incher, but the end result is definately worth it.
  12. yella

    Defender 110 hardtop interior

    ffs if yer gunna try and do someone, at least have the brains to get it right. the correct term for chequer plate is actually durbar plate.
  13. yella

    disco 1 going cheap

    ave yer finished yours yet daft?
  14. yella

    my admission

    oh yeah, its me ffs, as if any fooker on ere would even think i would type a post in the style of a cock taker. you just carry on kiddin yer sen that yer me, if it meks yer feel good about yer sen ;)
  15. yella

    Poly Bush's

    oe bushesd are as good as any polybushes. if you do use poly, then go for deflex. theyre a fraction of the price of polybush and just as good ;)
  16. yella

    heat shield????

    a slim piece of asbestos
  17. yella

    Soda blasting

    i seem o remember reading somewhere that you need a ceramic nozzle so that the soda doesnt react with the blaster
  18. yella

    Disabled offroader

    the door opening wouldnt be wide enough and the roof would have to be removed if you intended to put a person in the wheel chair
  19. yella

    Disabled offroader

    not a lot of good to him if you read his post
  20. yella

    Disabled offroader

    from reading about this disabled lad, i dunt think he would be able to get out of his chair and into a modified seat. also, i doubt a disco would be able to acomodate a chair instead of a seat.the seat height would need to be around 12" for him to be able to look through the windscreen, and then...