1. P

    recovery equipment

    Start with good recovers points, as you need somewhere to hook on to. At least 2 3.5T rated shakels and a 16T rope/strap about 10-15m long.
  2. P

    driving tro'd lanes

    Dew, I seem to remember you now. The time you asked me for help with laneing would that have been the time you were banned from a number of forums that I also use?? If your not the same Drew then sorry.
  3. P

    driving tro'd lanes

    I am not fussed who I offend. But as I said if you asked then I give a reason if I did not. That does not mean I would not lead you around some lanes. I will always try to help out, but I will not just give info out without know how it is going to be used. So If you comeing up this way and want...
  4. P

    driving tro'd lanes

    For a start I do not remember you asking me. If you did then I might not have given you help as I do not know how your going to drive on the lanes. I have always taken people out laneing with me for FREE when I can, that way I can teach them how to treat the lanes. I am also happy to show people...
  5. P

    driving tro'd lanes

    There is nothing in law to stop them charging for taking people laneing. But if it is a group of over 10 (I think the number is 10 could be 12, memory is going with old age!!)then they have to inform the police. Also taking out a large group is just going to trash the lanes more. Now if they put...
  6. P

    driving tro'd lanes

    Good to be back :). Just not enough hours in the day!!
  7. P

    driving tro'd lanes

    Let me first say, I do not get on here as much as I would like to, but I was sent a PM pointing out this thread. I have read the whole thread. I will start with the TRO been out of date. NOt the notices were out of date this makes the TRO not legal. But it does not mean the TRO was not...
  8. P

    Pheasant steps

    People who are still using this lane are working their way to getting it closed for good. It is undrivable, well it was the last time I was up there last May.
  9. P


    I did see the date before I replied ;)
  10. P


    Sometimes, as the lane in question is a very well know lane. If he did a google search for the location he would find it. At least now he can fine the start, he now just needs to find the end.
  11. P


    Streetmap.co.uk- search results Should help. If you cannot work it out from that you should not go.
  12. P

    Gap Road

    'Although the GAP is marked as a restricted Byway that does not totally remove the ability for vehciles to use the route if one of the conditions under Section 67(2) of the NERC Act 2006 can be proven. If the route is exempt from NERC and many people think it may be then removing the...
  13. P

    Gap Road

    Have a look at his thread on Difflock Difflock :: View topic - Gap road totally closed! Then send a letter of objection to them closing it. Then state on the PCC letter (picture in thread) that it is a ROAD. Paul
  14. P

    north Wales lanes

    Yes it is open again.
  15. P

    Herts Laners heading to Norf Wales laning trip April 29th weekend

    Well I would have hoped for a better response for Warren on here. I have been a member on here for a long time and I drive a Land Cruiser. It will go every where a LR will and more. I have also helped out a lot when people have asked about lanes in mid/north Wales. If I was heading out that...
  16. P

    anybody know if the wayferer is open or not??

    Repairs not done, but you can still drive part of it.
  17. P

    Fallen trees

    HSE do not want to know as it is not work related. DoT do not want to know as it is not work related. Police only want to know if the saw was used as weapon. I have used my chainsaw in front a police officer without a problem. I even asked my local MP. I can not remember who else I spoke to...
  18. P

    Fallen trees

    It is NOT illegal to use a chainsaw on a pubile road. I did a LOT of research on this a few years ago and talked to lots of goverment bodies about it. If you are getting paid for doing the work you need to have all the right H&S gear and regs in place, doing it for yourself then all you need is...
  19. P

    Shropshire Greenlanes
