Just driven the Pheasant Steps amongst other routes today in N Wales. The big hole is still a big hole but can be circumnavigated. On the right if going down stick the nearside wheels in the big rut and hope you stay there. Mind you we were in two Landcruisers which does make such a difference.

Just driven the Pheasant Steps amongst other routes today in N Wales. The big hole is still a big hole but can be circumnavigated. On the right if going down stick the nearside wheels in the big rut and hope you stay there. Mind you we were in two Landcruisers which does make such a difference.


And you are proud of this?
Just driven the Pheasant Steps amongst other routes today in N Wales. The big hole is still a big hole but can be circumnavigated. On the right if going down stick the nearside wheels in the big rut and hope you stay there. Mind you we were in two Landcruisers which does make such a difference.

difference to wot?
Just driven the Pheasant Steps amongst other routes today in N Wales. The big hole is still a big hole but can be circumnavigated. On the right if going down stick the nearside wheels in the big rut and hope you stay there. Mind you we were in two Landcruisers which does make such a difference.

so they final got the chap out off the hole who got stuck saturday evening then
People who are still using this lane are working their way to getting it closed for good. It is undrivable, well it was the last time I was up there last May.
Just driven the Pheasant Steps amongst other routes today in N Wales. The big hole is still a big hole but can be circumnavigated. On the right if going down stick the nearside wheels in the big rut and hope you stay there. Mind you we were in two Landcruisers which does make such a difference.


And your on a LandRover forum why ???
Also , as some one from North Wales , please **** off and stop wrecking an already badly damaged track . It's the uneducated that are ruining laning for the rest of us , go ruin your own lanes .:your_wrong::violent:
for what its worth i think driving any lane when its wet and muddy enough to get stuck jusr makes the lane worse for the locals who have to use it for access, end result is bound to be the lane gets closed which means only the locals who need to use it for access are allowed to take a vehicle down it.... most of them have the sense not to use it in bad weather unless they have to. to feed livestock or whatever.
if you want to play at getting stuck in mud go and find a pay and play site, and leave the lanes alone in the winter so we can enjoy them when we wont be destroying them, otherwise youll end up very soon with no legal lanes at all.
its quite simple imho if you think you need to take recovery gear because of mud and water the lane isnt fit to drive.on that day.
I was somewhat surprised at the interest my post generated. In answer whether we were proud, well no, it was just a post to say that we had driven it. Different to wot (sic) asks Goonarmy, well different from my V8 90 I used to own until somebody offered me so much for it, I bought a Landcruiser 80 series. To Disco924, yes they must have removed the vehicle stuck on Saturday evening, it looked like a Land Rover to me. Paul Humphreys and Ricc, I could not agree more about not using lanes when they are wet and muddy and yes if you want to get covered in mud use a winch, break the vehicle go to a pay and play site. However, on this occasion it was -5, the ground was frozen solid and it is unlikely that even a tracked vehicle would have made an impression on the terrain. The hole in the track which is causing all the grief is surprisingly, to narrow for a Landcruiser so it must have been caused narrower vehicles, Land Rovers spring to mind. I am on the Land Rover Forum because I used to own a Landrover, and it is an informative site, better than most, and does carry adverts for Toyota!!!. As for being to told to FO I am surprised ladies know that sort of language. The lack of terrain damage can also be attributed to skill,technique and 3 difflocks. See you at Indoor show/Billing/Stoneleigh/Eastnor.

A happy new year to you all

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