1. Bobbylove

    Overheating series 3

    Also check your temp guage isn't faulty, mine used to do a similar thing and turned out it was summat to do with the earth wire on the back of the guage.
  2. Bobbylove

    1985 90

    I'm having fun already! Set off this morning in wet weather to discover that the wipers don't work - which was nice! Kicking myself for not checking them before i bought it but too late now. Gonna check fuses tonight then stalk then motor. Hope it's not the latter. Anyone else had this problem...
  3. Bobbylove

    1985 90

    Ha ha, shouldn't be a problem as the series 3 isn't going anywhere now. Can only afford to insure the 90. Will be sticking a for sale note in the window and try and sell it that way but otherwise i'll be sticking it on ebay in the next 2-3 weeks. I'll stick a for sale notice in here as well...
  4. Bobbylove

    A sporty series?!

    All old series will smoke a bit especially on start up, once running though, on mine, the exhaust is clean, with a bit of blue when you put your foot down or hauling away from lights. Unless it's excessive or white coloured i wouldn't worry too much about it. Mine's a diesel though. What...
  5. Bobbylove

    1985 90

    Hi, Cheers for the reply. Looks like we're back on for the weekend now, he came round last night having fixed the low box so i didn't give him enough credit with regard to his knowledge around landys. Something to do with a pin that was misadjusted and wouldn't locate properly into a hole...
  6. Bobbylove

    1985 90

    Hi Chaps, Don't normally post on this forum as i currently own a series 3 but am looking for something a little less 'agricultural' as i've just started a new job which requires a half hour commute so i need something a bit more comfortable for the journey. I'm looking at an '85 90 2.5...
  7. Bobbylove

    Cherished registration plates

    Why not save yourself the cost of buying a personalised numberplate by simply changing your name to match your registration? Mr SCK 717L Manchester.
  8. Bobbylove

    Buying a Series 2...

    Hi Fearthecat and welcome to the forum. Sounds pretty good to me, i'm assuming you've checked the obvious things such as chassis, bulkhead, crossmembers and also that the engine is running correctly (I can't give any specific info about the perkins diesel but someone here will), with a full...
  9. Bobbylove

    Insurance help!!

    Hi Trouble, I was getting crap quotes from a few different companies until i found Footman James who blew everyone else out the water. I'm driving a series 3 diesel and i think the premium is around £270 which also includes breakdown (ok it's probably get you to the nearest garage but...
  10. Bobbylove


    Hi Bill, Hope i'm not breaking any rules by directing you to another site but i've just found this link which might give you some clues: http://www.rangerovers.net/repairdetails/airsuspension/ Also try posting the RR Forum on this site, there's a lot of knowledgeable people around...
  11. Bobbylove


    Bill, Havn't a fckn clue wot u is tryin 2 ask. Pls cud u rite in ENGLISH, so sum peeps mite B able 2 help u. Bob.
  12. Bobbylove

    Duplicate photos

    I've got the same problem, I've looked at the photopost website which explains that there is a delete option but it doesn't appear on the image editor. Anyone out there can help on this?
  13. Bobbylove

    camping. the new thing.

    spare tent pegs...oh and a tent.
  14. Bobbylove

    camping. the new thing.

    Just got back from camping in Yorkshire Dales..Lot of other Landy owners on the campsite as well but no series. Couple of pics attached. Gordale Scar campsite in Malham, fantastic site if you don't mind the bogs. Anyone else ever been? Landy was great for camping just shove all your stuff in the...
  15. Bobbylove


    P.s no grey bubbles or owt like that
  16. Bobbylove


    Alright guys, Just been up to garage near me to get rad flushing stuff and was given a cup full of Fairy non bio. Anyway - stuck that in, give it a good run out, emptied rad again and what came out looked like thin tomato soup but no sludge etc...have rinsed it through again and then filled...
  17. Bobbylove


    cheers for the tips i'll have a good look over it this weekend. What's just occurred to me is that all i've been doing since i've owned it is topping it up with water so the radiator probably has no coolant in it whatsoever now or if there is it'll be so diluted that it won't be worth anything...
  18. Bobbylove


    Morning/Afternoon/Evening Chaps, Not really a problem but more of a niggle. As long as i've owned the Landy, the temperature needle has always sat just below the middle of the guage once it had warmed up, no matter what sort of driving i would be doing. It would occasionally overheat but i had...
  19. Bobbylove

    Rear X member.

    Cheers for the replies, i've found a place nearby that will do it (phoenix autos) and have said around £200 including supplying the X member, but they haven't seen the job yet so it could be more or less depending on how much work is required. Apparently the guy used to work for Steve...
  20. Bobbylove

    Rear X member.

    Hi Guys, After deciding to repaint the rear crossmember last week, I got a wire brush on it to remove what i thought was a bit of surface rust and managed to 'brush' four big holes through it!! :eek: It's been welded before and is beginning to look like a patchwork quilt so time for a new...