1. C

    Replacement fascia

    I've seen the MUD site that sells blanks for the centre console but I need the panels around the steering wheel replacing,particularly the panel for the ignition and underneath the steering wheel which is loose and scrapes everytime I move the steering wheel. Also the panel that retains the...
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    yes i go the bugger !!!!

    Why the hatred against foxes? Were you in an abusive relationship with one or are you actually a closet furry and your self denial is being externalised as a hatred towards foxes when in fact you just want to be one?
  3. C

    yes i go the bugger !!!!

    One less thing of beauty in the world then. Merry Christmas...:(
  4. C

    Checking breathers

    Given the Landy a blow job and it's promised to call me later in the week. I've put the cleaned up breather back on the axle but of course,the bottom of the breather is flat while the axle is convex so now I have a tiny gap both sides of the breather where air is escaping and presumably where...
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    Checking breathers

    I didnt realise you could take it apart. I'll post a pic tomorrow so it can be I.D'd properly. Who comes up with the names for these things anyway? Doesnt look like a banjo.
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    Checking breathers

    I already took the tube off because it was kinked. I took it off the valve and blew through it and a load of what look like powdered rust blew out. I was more worried about the actual valve itself because I cant blow any air through it although I dont know if this is normal if the valve only...
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    Checking breathers

    It kind of looks like a banjo bolt but with a small pipe coming off the side where the tubing fits on to it.
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    Checking breathers

    Sorry yes,axle breathers. Mine have a nut with a hole on the other end and a small pipe coming out the side so it look like a smoking pipe. There doesnt seem to be any way of knowing if its OK or not,or can you assume its OK if its had a good rootle about with a wire brush and some WD? The...
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    Checking breathers

    I've been inspecting the breather valves and it says in the Haynes manual that if it's a ball type breather,you have to check the ball. There doesn't seem to be any way of getting into it to see. I've poked out all the crap and DW'd it but I cant blow through it or anything. Is that because its...
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    Rear jacking points for 110

    Yes mum. No seriously,OK I will. I thought about the hi lift becouse of it's other applications other than wheel changing and I'll get a bottle jack in the meantime. Are the handles long enough to not have to put your head under the car? The handles always look a bit short to me.
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    Rear jacking points for 110

    ^ Dont recall posting that... Thanks disco. The jack takes a bloody age to lift it up as well so I might go the whole hog and buy a Hi lift. Cheers.
  12. C

    Breathers for the winter

    Do many people here have breather tubes permanently attatched to their axles etc.? I was wondering becouse it's always flooding around here at this time of year and I also end up in a lot of mud baths. It's the really nasty,clay mud thats slippery. You only have to park a 2 wheel drive on what...
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    Rear jacking points for 110

    Ball sacks! OK,thanks. It looks like they've been covered over with the dreaded chequered plating. How do you get this stuff off? Would I just be better off investing in a farm jack or hi lift or whatever its called? *edit* Thanks Discomania.Not as annoyed now you said that.
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    Rear jacking points for 110

    Cant find em. I'm using the ratchety,cranky jack that I assume comes with the vehicle.It's a J reg and I've used the ones on the front-under the bumper that fits the jack nicely-the tube end of the jack goes into the hole-but there doesnt seem to be any in the back. I can see what I thought was...
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    Views on the Defender 2007

    I was looking at the brochure for the latest incarnation of the Defender and I was kind of dissapointed,particularly at the lack of seating. One of the reasons I got my particular model was becouse you could carry people and/or stuff in the back as the bench seats dont really take up storage...
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    electric windows

    I've found cranking the window helps me keep warm. I dont trust leccy windows. What happens if you end up under water?
  17. C

    24v battery light

    The engine is an upgrade btw. J reg Landy.
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    24v battery light

    It's a 300 TDI and it's got a tractor battery in it altough I dont know the voltage off-hand. Its a little picture of a battery with 24v above it.
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    24v battery light

    Whats it mean? Didnt mention it in the hand book and I tried googling it. I went through a shallow ford and then the engine cut out. I assume I went through too fast in too lower revs but the 24v light was flickering for a while when the engine was running again. There was a small amount of...
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    110 Fuel Tanks

    Just lifted up the seat and there was the filler cap! Never noticed it before. Thanks.