1. miriam

    Doing it in the UK....!?

    Hi, I was going to suggest the wilds of Scotland but been beaten to it.. All along the north coast affords LOADS of places you can delve into and off down the west coast as well ( as well as being incredibly beautiful) . I did a wee trip around Dec last year and was amazed how many places I...
  2. miriam

    Hi from Sunny Cornwall

    Hello sunny cornwall .. it's cloudy cold Orkney here.. the mention of Cornwall bought back fond memories as I lived there before moving up here (yes it is about as far as you could go one end of the country to the other!):rolleyes: Welcome. I seem to leap on here when I'm completely lost...
  3. miriam

    Someone's knicked my lights.. HELP please!

    duely despatched .. :)
  4. miriam

    Someone's knicked my lights.. HELP please!

    someone knicked that too!!:eek:
  5. miriam

    Someone's knicked my lights.. HELP please!

    Hi These are the red brake light and orange indicator "screw in" type of lights plastic in a metal casing.. if you can ZOOOOOM in on my picture you'd be able to see which ones have gone.. where's neighbourhood watch when you need them?:( M If what you have sorts me out...
  6. miriam

    Someone's knicked my lights.. HELP please!

    Hi all .. I haven't been here for a while for all has been exceedingly good in landy world in Orkney .. :) However, summer is here bringing tourists a plenty and all is not well in the isle. Last night some @*$%@ etc unscrewed all the rear light fittings off my ex MOD 90.argghhh.. :mad...
  7. miriam

    Hello from the wilds of Orkney

    :) Greetings to all from Orkney, I am new here but over the past few weeks whilst I've been in landrover deliberations this site has been invaluable (so thanks all who helped me out) I did have a 110CSW (now sold to someone who is going to make her live again -engine popped :( ) and I now...
  8. miriam

    200 vs 300TDi comments and guidance please

    you're right about the 300 . Yes it was the right choice. she's a beut.. Will go and post a photo of her elsewhere on the site. thanks all for yout input.. much appreciated. sold my 110 too this weekend so I'm just a one landy family again .
  9. miriam

    200 vs 300TDi comments and guidance please

    Thanks for this. I have bought an ex MOD 90 with a 300TDi transplant.. She is FANTASTIC and has so many hidden old MOD features I just didn;t appreciate were there when I purchased her. SO.. anyone want to buy a 110CSW that needs an engine transplant:) Miriam
  10. miriam

    200 vs 300TDi comments and guidance please

    HI , if you're after a 300TDi alternator then craddocks have one on ebay. just incase it passed you by .. 10-day listing, Ends 30-Oct-05 11:00:53 GMT. Item number: 4584036450. would still value anyone telling me any 300TDI horror stories... ( if there are any?) :eek: thanks
  11. miriam

    200 vs 300TDi comments and guidance please

    Probably a good thing I'm not or I'd spend even more than I do now. Would like some more scrap yards and breakers to go at though:)
  12. miriam

    200 vs 300TDi comments and guidance please

    Thanks for the tip :) but Orkney is a long way from anywhere how much was it though out of interest.?? may still be worth it . thanks
  13. miriam

    200 vs 300TDi comments and guidance please

    Hi Having spent days trying to source a 200TDi defender engine to go into my 110 Csw, I found an ex MOD 90 today with a 300TDi engine in it and thinking about getting that and flogging my 110 without an engine . However, was just about to offer when I was told horror stories about oil...
  14. miriam

    help required with blown up 110. PLEASE

    Rich, Thanks for the advice.. I did have a brief look at Isuzu but have not been able to source an engine that didn't sound like it was coming from a cowboy ( yee hah) It certainly sounds a WAY cheaper option thoug,h as presently i'm being quoted anywhere from £900 to £1500 for a...
  15. miriam

    help required with blown up 110. PLEASE

    Hi . I presently have a 2.5TD in ( just recond the turbo.. arghh typical) I had a root through past threads today and had a chat to someone who seemed to have solved a similar problem for another member. I now think that 200tdi defender engine appears to be the easiest fix ( although may...
  16. miriam

    help required with blown up 110. PLEASE

    Hi all, I'm new here but it seems like all the experts I could really do with right now are in one place.. :) I have an E reg 110 csw which when taken by some friends over to Europe this summer "blew up"/died. I wasn't there to witness but my lovely mechanic ( yes, sorry, I love my...