
New Member
Hi all ..
I haven't been here for a while for all has been exceedingly good in landy world in Orkney .. :)

However, summer is here bringing tourists a plenty and all is not well in the isle.

Last night some @*$%@ etc unscrewed all the rear light fittings off my ex MOD 90.argghhh.. :mad:

Can anyone tell me where I can source at a reasonable cost? I can't even find a part code and having trawled Craddocks there are NO pretty pictures to point me in the right direction.. :confused:

I would REALLY , REALLY appreciate any help please..

Thank you

Miriam ( no light coverings and the only place in the UK experiencing cold and wet weather!)
as these the red and white plastic jobbies? the light glass? cause if so i may have some you can have for postage costs

These are the red brake light and orange indicator "screw in" type of lights plastic in a metal casing..
if you can ZOOOOOM in on my picture you'd be able to see which ones have gone..

where's neighbourhood watch when you need them?:(


If what you have sorts me out though .. thank you and I'd love to have them

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