1. P


    Hello, I'm new too but they are a good bunch! Have fun in your Disco! :D Maria.
  2. P

    Hi Ya!

    http://www.overfinch.com/?node_id=1.4&article_id=28 I want one of these!!! Anyone got Santa's address??;)
  3. P

    Hi Ya!

    Hmmm it's bit more of a Land Rover than my FL :( . But when she grows up she'll be a RRS :D
  4. P

    Hi Ya!

    Hey it worked! LOL :D :D :D
  5. P

    Hi Ya!

    This may not work as I am crap with computers but this hopefully should be a pic of my FL. ???? Fingers crossed.
  6. P

    Hi Ya!

    I'm not saying you have to change your plans, just let me know what time you're thinking of leaving, as in to go home. I can prob get there for 7pm. But if it's a problem for you guys, I'll come along another time. I have loads of animals to see to before I go out, no matter what day it is. LOL...
  7. P

    Virtual Land Rover

    Very funny, my computer at work actually let me see it...............most unusaul !!! Maria.:rolleyes:
  8. P

    Hi Ya!

    12:00 noon, I'll still be at the stabels then...............what time were you thinking of finishing?? I definately can not get there for 12pm, I work harder at the weekends than I do during the week when I'm actually at work!! LOL:D
  9. P

    Hi Ya!

    Right am off home now have a good weekend. See you later. Maria.:D
  10. P

    Hi Ya!

    Very nice, I'm out with my mates tonite............and it's not free:( Well not until we find someone to buy us drinks LOL!!!:rolleyes:
  11. P

    Hi Ya!

    I don't! Might be Pagan but don't eat kids! LOL I'm a veggie! And I'm nearly finished work. Hoem time very, very soon and it's Friday!!!!!! YES, YES, YES!!!!!:D
  12. P

    Hi Ya!

    Must be something to do with your posts, have you reached a magick number??
  13. P

    Hi Ya!

    Yeah, yeah they kept shouting things but by the time I knew what they meant BANG!!! :eek:
  14. P

    Hi Ya!

    Arrh yes that rings bells, that must have been what the 2nd one was for that we went to. It was at the Medway sailing club if I remember rightly. I went sailing with them a few times on the Medway, bashed my head on the sails as they swug over the boat several times. LOL and I was sober at the...
  15. P

    Hi Ya!

    Should I ask what one of them is?? My ex used to sail, I went to 2 of his clubs dinners, 1st was a nightmare coz they forgot I was a Veggie!! 2nd I got drunk:p so can't really remember much about it. LOL.
  16. P

    Hi Ya!

    Ok i'll do my best. What time? I have to see to the horses at some point so can't make it too early.
  17. P

    Hi Ya!

    Oh damn!! It's not on the pub finder map. Doh!:confused: Hmmmm me thinks I will get lost...............do you ever meet anywhere normal?? Like a real town rather than the edge of the country. LOL
  18. P

    Hi Ya!

    http://www.pub-explorer.com/essex/pub/dog&pheasantcolchester.htm Is this the one?? It's the only Dog and Pheasant I can find. Maria
  19. P

    Hi Ya!

    Well mine will be as well. LOL aint planning to walk from Nazeing.:D :D What time are you guys getting there? Maria
  20. P

    Hi Ya!

    I got a map that has an arrow pointing to East Mersea. Not much help???? LOL. You had better give me the actual address, as in the name of the pub, street it's in etc. I'll look it up on the pub finder website. And let you know if I can come. Maria.