1. M


    OMFG i've seen it before u gay perv 2 lezzers **** in a cup eat it n puke ova 1 n other!
  2. M


    cut out the **** dont bother it just gets every one angry.
  3. M


    its 10 to 10!
  4. M


    DICKHEAD Your all loverly people :D
  5. M


    wtf u crazy northern bastard
  6. M


    Well i'll leave you guys to live your lives! YO CAN GO ROUND AND be mean to some other kid. You know how to live your lives sat in your 3 bed semi on a council estate picking on people younger than you... have fun working in the factory making crayons on £5.51 an hour saving up 2 go on your 1...
  7. M


    I came her for help not abuse
  8. M


    sure the police wold find this interesting my grandads a copper.......
  9. M


    Your a bunch of lowlife scum... Go back to the rock you all crawled out of. scummy bastards
  10. M


    Its not a special school i don't do GCSE's in yr9 in yr10 n u r a bunch of really nice people i just come on and ask for some friendly advice but you just turned it nasty. I am not going to be using this forum in the future. Thanks all for putting me off. Max
  11. M


    Its not a special school its a private School 4th best in the country RGSAO Worcester. Max
  12. M


    I don't do sats or GCSE's because i do 2 a private school and we don't do them we do tests created by our teachers that are much harder than sats.
  13. M


    sick pervert. actually i have had 4 teeth removed and i had blood all over my fingers and then i cut them.
  14. M


    You are obviously a sadistic git 'slob'! Do you find it fun ripping the p**s out of people? And i gt B+ in english test end of yr 8 and A* in ict test! So im in group 2 out of seven. And i don't really care what you think! Any way Thanks For every one else's comments. Max
  15. M


    oh sorry that im off school due to ill health and have had blood coming out of my hands all morning! SO please don't critisize me! I get A* in all my ICT work and exams so! And thanks for your reply its a 90 pickup. Thanks Max
  16. M


    I've been to the US and paris the best one is when i went to paris in january as a surprise my dad woke me up at 3 in the morn and we went out to paris for a few days to disney. Max
  17. M


    How hard/heavy are they to drive im 13 im not little im big relitivly strong how hard are they to drive. I currently have a rover 620 i no there's going to be a hell of a difference but will i manage? Also mechanics will it be a good car for me to learn mechanics. Thanks Max
  18. M

    Newbie landy

    Hello every one im Max im 13 and am looking for a new car for around my feilds, i would love to get a landy. I have found this one with a BIN of £325 but he says the chassis is shot. Would this be ok for just going around my dads fields doing about 200 miles a year? Land Rover Series 3 for...
  19. M


    Hello every one im Max im 13 and am looking for a new car for around my feilds, i would love to get a landy. I have found this one with a BIN of £325 but he says the chassis is shot. Would this be ok for just going around my dads fields doing about 200 miles a year? Land Rover Series 3 for...