Having been to ED a couple of times, once just me and the wife and the other with the kids i can say it was fantastic,kids loved it, we loved it, i think for waht there is if you can get a 4 night stay its just about enough to do the lot, park and film studio thing, we drove from Leicester both times to, we stayed in a hotel on the way down and back in Lille this time with the kids, as it would have been to long for them for the whole stint, we stayed in the Pink Palace hotel thing, ( the big **** off one at the front of the park) it was a splendid holiday, we went for the bonfire displays and the 15year birthday party, the whole lot with ferries 2 nights on either side of the trip in a hotel in Lille i think it was,cost us about £800, were looking at going again in a couple of years time, hoping to go in the Disco this time.
I have family in the states and various relatives who have been to the Florida park and there opinion is that ED was better, less expensive, less American, friendlier staff, if that makes sense! :confused:
I have family in the states and various relatives who have been to the Florida park and there opinion is that ED was better, less expensive, less American, friendlier staff, if that makes sense! :confused:

Lovely thansk for all the info interesting. How old are ye kids??
I've been to the US and paris the best one is when i went to paris in january as a surprise my dad woke me up at 3 in the morn and we went out to paris for a few days to disney.


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