1. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    YESSSSS!!!!!! I'm dying to get out again now I've got the old girl back. I'll go anywhere in all honesty. Would like a proper go around Derbyshire though.
  2. Screwy

    Hey, Hope the move went well. I'm looking to get up to Derbyshire again sometime soon. I'm...

    Hey, Hope the move went well. I'm looking to get up to Derbyshire again sometime soon. I'm living in Weedon now just outside of Northampton. Keep in touch and we'll get something together. Lew
  3. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Can't catch me!! Can't catch me!!! :p LoL
  4. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Yeah I have. With all my wealth of knowledge about mechanical workings of every type of vehicle known across the universe. Yes, even cyborg space ships. Do what I did, take it to a garage and let them worry about it!!! :p
  5. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Funny ****er!!!:doh: Trip went that well then did it?!?!
  6. Screwy

    North Yorkshire Lanes

    Hey there, I'm looking to get back up to stannage and do a few more lanes in that area if you guys dont mind me tagging along???? Didn't get as many as I hoped to on the last visit.
  7. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Hehehehehehe Look forward to reading it!! I was hoping this week but it's not looking good, they're struggling to find the jigsaw pieces for the exhaust as it's been dicked about with so much. But when I do get the old girl back :5bparty: How did the Wales trip go??
  8. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Hey guys!!! How is everyone doing?? I'm finally getting my landy back soon and will be ready to get some laning in. Have any of you got anything aranged anytime soon?? Or does anyone fancy getting together for a trip, local or further afield?? Be good to get back out and catch up.
  9. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Any of you guys out laning today???
  10. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    No ****ing way???????????? Excellent. May it is!!!
  11. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Hey guys!!! It's been too long. Is anyone up for a trip round the santa pod lanes, if and when they are open???
  12. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    I recall someone saying my tracking was out last time we went out, well it was, 7.5mm on the left and 3.5mm on the right. Apparently that's not good!!! Hope all is well with everyone.
  13. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Back on the monkey shoulder guys. Good fun, let's not leave it so long for the next one!!
  14. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Jesus man!!! You may as well have come on this trip, you'll be driving past mine. I must look into this memory map thing you guys are on about.
  15. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Looking forward to seeing what you've done with your Landy!!! Camping all the way for me, where you heading the week after???
  16. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    I just might! :hysterically_laughi
  17. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Quick note for the trip on the weekend I'll have a couple of passengers and therefore an extra tent. Thought I'd mention it in advance of bookings etc
  18. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    I'm getting excited!!!
  19. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Touch!! :cool:
  20. Screwy

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Well, I'm aiming to get the Friday afternoon off as well, but still awaiting confirmation. If not I/we can catch up and meet early Saturday and camp the one night where ever it is Ryder decides to park up!!! :p