1. letsgoagain1

    Landy for 17 year old??!!

    I am with the co-operative insurance, fully comp with my 200tdi 90 2 years no claims and its about £400!! I just turned 21 too, and I don't think a defender is necessarily safer than a small car with ABS, airbags etc, but I live in the sticks and it means I don't get stuck when pulling over on...
  2. letsgoagain1

    Calling all Females!

    meeeee, and my 90 is luuurvely, passed her MOT on weds, no advisories, was worth having a disco axle put it since I had no brakes before, now on discs be easier to replace when they get full of shiiiite.
  3. letsgoagain1

    Cooper STT - any views

    I have them on my 90 can't remember the cost, but I also had rims too. You on about the Cooper Discoverer STT, yes? They are rather good if you ask me, I have driven around a very wet and muddy quarry or 2, some very deep muddy green lanes, and not yet been stuck, it could just be my amazing...
  4. letsgoagain1

    Muddy mates 4X4

    nah you'll be fine, we will laugh at you if it goes wrong, so long as you can laugh at yourself!! :D and you will get pulled/winched out/recovered/whatever...........come to think of it, please get stuck I got a new winch to try out!!!
  5. letsgoagain1

    Muddy mates 4X4

    go to www.future4x4.co.uk you can look at pics in the gallery, they just recently opened up some new runs diggering the place up, :D
  6. letsgoagain1

    just some pics i've taken at not got anywhere to post

    you can sometimes if you get the other person to turn their wheel outwards, full lock and their tyres are wide enough you can go up on the waffle board and then take it away, I have lots of photos of it being done somewhere!! nice pics though
  7. letsgoagain1

    just some pics i've taken at not got anywhere to post

    you could take away the waffle boards when you twist it up like that at a show? looks better, :D
  8. letsgoagain1

    What type of Engine does your 110/90 have?

    tweaked 200tdi yay, I love my 90 :D I don't drive it as much now I have the pursuit peugeot. well it does tow every weekend though and going offroading this sunday.
  9. letsgoagain1

    hello from Dartmoor

    meeeeee, I got one too, a 90!! its all good fun. welcome to the forum
  10. letsgoagain1

    Avon Dassett 10th May

    thanks for the links I will see if I can spot any of us, there is a pic of the yellow rangie on the website, yeh I was in the one in the pic but diddnt drive it this time as didn't want to break anything because I had a long journey on the monday and also an oil seal leak on the back axle so had...
  11. letsgoagain1

    Avon Dassett 10th May

    are they all your videos? I think I am in one of them, can;t see them all, the guy in the unimog is a really good friend of mine, I wil show him the video, and you got my other half in the video when he was pulling him out the mud!!
  12. letsgoagain1

    Talking of wheel bearings!!

    Ooh you never guess what, .....ok i'll tell you. Got the 90 twisted up nicely at the weekend at the show, and soon discovered an oil seal leak which obviously then smothered my rear brake in it....great!!, left it there all day anyway and collected my oil. But also had a bearing well on its...
  13. letsgoagain1

    He wont admit the bloody car needs to go!

    you wish!!! I don't see all that much girl on girl action going on at the moment......unless you have been underprivileged in the past hahaha. :D
  14. letsgoagain1

    Landy tryed to hit a tree

    Oh right, yeh I know IMHO, just not with a J in it, oh well!!
  15. letsgoagain1

    Landy tryed to hit a tree

    aah thanks trewy, thats better!! well the bearings are greased quite regularly, maybe get them checked soon! there is a little bit of play in the steering but thats just in the steering wheel so I guess thats not really related, and what is JMHO? :rolleyes:
  16. letsgoagain1

    Landy tryed to hit a tree

    arrrgh this sounds really scary, whats the chances of it happening in my 90?!!! eeek
  17. letsgoagain1

    Off Roading This Sunday

    where is the site?
  18. letsgoagain1

    Gaaaaydon 2nd/3rd may

    aah lovely, im going fri, sat and sun camping with the club, and selling some stuff hopefully.................maaaybe!! :D