
New Member

I have owned m current Td5 for about a year now, and before that I had a series 3. I know very very little about maintaining them, but am determined to know more-it can't be that hard can it?!?

I am hoping that people might be able to give me some dummies guides on how to do a bit more for myself in looking after my beloved Land rover


Hi Kate, welcome to LoonyZone.

Nice to see you have a proper landy. :clap2:

The boys will be along as soon as they get a sniff of new meat. :D
Thanks for your replies-I think! Are there any other girls with Land Rovers on here?

Hi Kate, welcome to the site, your not alone there are a few girls, Becky B (must admit I haven't seen any posts from her for a while now) and theres always Dirty Gertie, now she can give as good as she gets, plus others.

As long as you can take some stick and give it back you'II be fine, and you'II have no trouble looking after your Landy.

Plus theres some good lads down your way, they'II be long soon to say hello, especially if your a looker and post a piccy.
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