1. C

    Gear selector stuck in neutral.

    Hi.. see my post, our’s was slightly different as it was stuck in reverse. We changed battery , swapped brake switch and after a little YouTube research found a common issue. The wife Changed out the rotary gear selector module whilst I was at work ( and following detailed instructions 😉) and...
  2. C

    Arghh Gear selector stuck

    So, problem solved ! I bought a rotary gear selector module and the wife swapped out the old with the new whilst I was at work after following YouTube videos. Simple plug in and go.. Mission successful and we’re happy again . Quote from Anchorman re Land Rover ..’60% of the time it works every...
  3. C

    Arghh Gear selector stuck

    Yeah that’s the plan.. full charge then new battery if that fails, then break light switch it that fails, then gear sensor module then I don’t want to think about it 😅
  4. C

    Arghh Gear selector stuck

    The juice is going in , let’s see how that fairs . I’ll let you know it goes. If not the battery, I researched it could be the gear selector module itself, or even the parking light switch … just hope it’s not the gear box itself . Love my landy and hate it too . This is life hahaha
  5. C

    Arghh Gear selector stuck

    Thank you that would be awesome. Little update, I managed to get into neutral using the override but the battery is way low to even try
  6. C

    Arghh Gear selector stuck

    Hi you lovely and probably frustrated fellow Land Rover peeps. So after having no end of issues resolved on my Disco 4 I now have another . The grear selector is stuck in reverse and is also in the raised position. After reading other posts I tried the manual override to neutral and release...