1. T

    Pacet fans

    Thank you sheddy, that's all the info required. As for the forum well it used to be good, now though it's just a bunch of comedians with about as much matter between the ears as knats pubic hair, and that's being generous to you and an insult to the knat. Get a life, or at least try living the...
  2. T

    Pacet fans

    Jeez.......I refer you back to my first question, if that isn't straight forward enough I don't know what is. I have an issue that needs sorting before the winter sets in, -30-40C, and it is not something I want my family having a problem with while i'm away. As for the forum bit, have been...
  3. T

    Pacet fans

    Well i thought there were some sensible people using and helpful on this forum, but now since reading some more of the forum, it seems i was wrong, it seems to have some ecotistic people who love nothing better than to show their small intelectual side. To clarify my issue, am in the mountains...
  4. T

    Pacet fans

    Would do if I was home, but unfortunately am half way round the globe on an adventure, and the garage is questioning top hose or bottom, and MSE performance has multiple sizes for what I need. So if any one can give me an internal diameter of this top water pipe, would be grateful. :cool:
  5. T

    Pacet fans

    Hi, need you guys expert sounding and advice regarding connecting the pacet fan which I purchased for my disco 300tdi. I have the fan but not the thermostat or wiring, and I need to know which water pipe and the size of it, needed for this electric wiring kit I intend purchasing from MSE...
  6. T


    Okay here's a weird one. My 300 tdi's auto gearbox dipstick keeps on popping out about 1-2 inches, has anyone else had this issue. Just to be sure that it is the right dipstick, can anyone get me the correct length. Sounds silly I know but I brought this home with me from Saudi, and I know...
  7. T

    cooling system problems...

    Yep it's the matrix for sure, had exactly the same issue with mine, turned out the matrix was all glogged up with nowhere to go!! :cool: One landrover franchaise dealer quoted me for a new matrix and bits and pieces when I asked them to check it!! :eek: (should have known, these screwed me...
  8. T

    Cold start problem 300Tdi 1996 Disco

    Mmm had a similar problem with my not so long back, had new bits n pieces changed likewise, battery, heater plugs e.t.c..but still got worse until it finally failed altogether. Turned out I had no pressure in the cylinders, or not enough, when a switched on mechanic dived in to sort out. Story...
  9. T

    Temp Gauge

    Check your thermostat is set properly, had similar problem with my 97 tdi, turned out the garage set it to low, also have your heater matrix serviced, you will be surprised at the difference, I cannot tolerate mine now above 3.
  10. T

    2.5tdi viscos fan

    Thanks, not sure what's round the corner reference any modifications, think I will keep an eye out on the forum for a while longer, never know what might turn up. As for the ZF, only got the Disco back from the garage yesterday, I let them sort it as I needed to change over to winter tyres now...
  11. T

    2.5tdi viscos fan

    Gotcha, understood, got the impression you had found someway of getting these to do both jobs, don't ask me how I came to think that, put it down to age? Am interested to know how many different ways people have found to modifying cooling the engine with alternative ways, and improving performance.
  12. T

    2.5tdi viscos fan

    Mmm interesting, are you saying you have removed your viscous fan and rely soley on the A/C fans to keep your engine cool? If so how the heck to do work as they normally will stay put until you flick the A/C switch, and that is something as you have said is very rare?
  13. T

    Disco 3 problems

    Yeah I suppose, you have to keep an open mind about it, but as you pointed out and which I (my opinion that is) think hit the nail on the head, "where it stops being funny". To pay LR or their dealers that sort of money knowing there are some serious doubts about the quality and reliability of...
  14. T

    Disco 3 problems

    Well well well, so much for technology eh? glad I have my MK1 300tdi, no fandangled wacky microproccessors that keep failing, so as to screw up my driving. Just think about it, every time you take it out, your wondering what's going to happen next? Will it start if I stop it, or can I do...
  15. T

    2.5tdi viscos fan

    Hey as widget said, do you have air conditioning? These are required for that purpose, if your not sure, i.e. you have the switch but it does not cool e.t.c. could be your out of freon, have a garage check it. Don't think or rely on these to cool your engine, could be expensive in long run!
  16. T

    Auto Transmission Lag

    Cheers matey, booking it in next month for it's routine service plus now the transmission as well, by the way where (i know this sounds stupid) will I find the filter for this? and is it easily accessible? Weathers doing the suicide jump, now at -5 and falling so have to get it done pronto...
  17. T

    Auto Transmission Lag

    Thanks for the info, will see how it goes, I have no intention with playing with it apart from routine servicing, have heard that the filter can cause this sort of problem, so will add to the next service. What finally happened to your ZF, what actually happened for final failure, am just...
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    97 Tdi lights

    Anyone know if you can use 70w bulbs in a 97 Mk1 tdi, current ones are 55w, and not that bright.
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    aircondition sub assembly

    Hey can any one shed some light on this unit for my disco 97 tdi, I have been told I need to replace it as it is to blocked to be clean? What is it (any pictures) and can it be really so blocked to warrant a new one. and finally is it easy to get to if it can be done at home. :confused:
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    This veggie thing seems the way forward, but can anyone shed some light on what temperatures (that's outside) is ok to use the oil, I am living in Finland where it drops to minus 30 odd during the winter. I am looking at a possibly 20% mix, which along with the winter diesel should stop it...