1. R

    Chassis...how dya treat them?

    only stuff i ever got waxoyl to stick to was the **** it wasnt suposed to stick to. i agree thogh, its the inside that the problem. my mate has his old dads series one, bought new. his dad took it seriously offroad once, and when it threw a leg out of bed it got put in one of the sheds on the...
  2. R

    Chassis...how dya treat them?

    got the wire wheel in the grinder (good deel on them, mate sells them in his shop, £1.99 each sted of £7 from screwitupfix) and am back to clean metal..was wundering if i should use something like jennolite on the rustyest bits. not shure about waxoyl still...im wary of it going on fire if i...
  3. R

    Chassis...how dya treat them?

    i was crawling around undr the III, and waying up the chassis. it has loads of orijinal paint on it, not bad for 26 years, but i was wondring what to treat the chasiss with? im not shure about waxoyl, in case i need to do welding at a later date, there is a bit of rust in patches so i dont...