
New Member
i was crawling around undr the III, and waying up the chassis. it has loads of orijinal paint on it, not bad for 26 years, but i was wondring what to treat the chasiss with? im not shure about waxoyl, in case i need to do welding at a later date, there is a bit of rust in patches so i dont thinkwaxoyl will stick (though painting the chasiss first with old oil mite help i spose).

what dya reckon to red oxide paint and then gloss black, like from original. though i guess the original primer would be lead based....

any ideas?
Git a twisty wire brush on yer grinder, spend a durdy filthy half day going over all you can git at. 2 coats of red oxide & a top coat of black metal paint. Then do the inside with Waxoyl (plenny of holes to git at the insides), then do all the bits you cun't git at to paint (top of the rails etc) with black waxoyl & Robert is yer Muvvas bruvva.........................s'wot I've jest dun anyways.

Int a nice job, but well worth it. ;)
Only that it was sposd ter be doris at weekends but then after a short stay in hospital we was allowed to call im that all the time
got the wire wheel in the grinder (good deel on them, mate sells them in his shop, £1.99 each sted of £7 from screwitupfix) and am back to clean metal..was wundering if i should use something like jennolite on the rustyest bits.

not shure about waxoyl still...im wary of it going on fire if i need to do welding. thought i would fill the innards of the chassis with burnt oil after i have treated the outside. not environmentally friendly maybe, but who gives a rats about that?

i did a chassis with hammer****e once. never again, crap just flaked off.
waxoyl is a con. Vegetable"oyl" or good layer of lard would have similar effect and last as long. And maybe give off a more pleasing smoke. One nice thing is that it can be applied to the inside of things.. not a huge advantage.. but its a thing.

I've not seen "hammerite"... looks like rustoleum...but I am using a product that has never let me down. Por-15/or rust bullet. To make it pretty I'm putting the "black shell" on there.

I see hammerite sells a lot of generic products.. like naval jelly and paraffin mixed with oil and zinc primer as branded items.
If yer don't do summat with the inside yer wasting yer time an money. Mine had layers of waxoil over paint then unrusty steel beneath that, but was as thin as fook cos it had rusted from the inside.
got the wire wheel in the grinder (good deel on them, mate sells them in his shop, £1.99 each sted of £7 from screwitupfix) and am back to clean metal..was wundering if i should use something like jennolite on the rustyest bits.​

not shure about waxoyl still...im wary of it going on fire if i need to do welding. thought i would fill the innards of the chassis with burnt oil after i have treated the outside. not environmentally friendly maybe, but who gives a rats about that?​

i did a chassis with hammer****e once. never again, crap just flaked off.​

I did my chassis last year with waxoyl and its ****. Hammerite is the same and that gell **** that converts is ****. Google waste engine oil and it seems that it makes it worse coz it's corrosive.

I'm experimenting with paraffin oil, "not paraffin" coz it seems to be used in some of the preperations and seems to penetrate, but do a google on it and see for what you think.
only stuff i ever got waxoyl to stick to was the **** it wasnt suposed to stick to.

i agree thogh, its the inside that the problem. my mate has his old dads series one, bought new. his dad took it seriously offroad once, and when it threw a leg out of bed it got put in one of the sheds on the farm. 20 odd years or so.

anyhugh, we decided to rebuilt it, and checkin the chassis over found some rot in the outriggers, and a bit on the rear x member, cut it out, and the crap from his one day of wading and splashing around was still in there. under a layer of crud from the later years on the road and in the feild.

parafin oil sounds intersting. i thought of old engine oil cos i have plenty, and thought it would soak into the crud in there and maybe stop it gettin worse. thogh i have to admit, form what i've seen over the years, and what i read, galvynised chassis are the way ahead. jus wish i cud afford one.

what dyall reckon to galvafroid and zinga. not cheap, but an option mebbe? i'm a bit brassic (hell, i own a landy), so thats why its paint for me at the mo.

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