1. D

    Diff lock engaging but not working

    Nice one. Thanks for that - makes a lot of sense. Will certainly try that!
  2. D

    Diff lock engaging but not working

    Yeah I got it as soon as I purchased the Land Rover. That problem is now solved and after a new timing belt it’s running very well!
  3. D

    Diff lock engaging but not working

    Thanks a lot! That makes sense, although I find it a bit odd why they wouldn’t all be able to lock as tricky situations is their game. Any idea why they don’t all lock together is it to prevent wear? Thanks for the heads up I will still hack it up and have a look to see how it all works...
  4. D

    Diff lock engaging but not working

    Ah - all I noticed was that all power was going to the spinning wheels with no traction. And we’re not all locked together - I didn’t notice anything regarding front and back as was mostly focused on getting unstuck. Thanks!
  5. D

    Diff lock engaging but not working

    Thanks a lot! Really appreciate that detail that’s very helpful will get it jacked up asap. Thanks!
  6. D

    Diff lock engaging but not working

    Hi folks, The diff lock in both high and low seems to be engaged as it’s lights up on the dash and the gears work! Works well in high and low on and off road however when taking the Land Rover for short test after a lot of engine work and repairs realised when getting stuck the diff lock...
  7. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Wow! Spitfire it seems was the perfect name.
  8. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Happy days. That sounds like a plan, much appreciated!
  9. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    That’s really useful thanks. I will see how much oil I am ‘eating’ and keep an eye. Also my next engine task is to change the cam belt and check timing etc - I will also look to check and maybe replace piston rings etc after that too. Thanks again for such a detailed response - very interesting!
  10. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Thanks everyone! So I do think I have a 110 not a 90. Given that the Dow pipe is in place I seemingly just need a mid and rear section for a 200or300tdi as that’s the engine which is now fitted. Obviously there were no 300tdi engines in 1985 so I suppose I go for the earliest 200tdi exhaust...
  11. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    To save me adding another thread and hassling everyone I wonder if any of you may know this - which type and section of exhaust am I missing. The Land Rover is 1985 but with a seemingly disco 300tdi in and is missing half of the exhaust. Not sure which one to choose am I best to get a chassis...
  12. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Classic. That makes sense - thanks!!
  13. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Nice one thanks. I have kept it not attached and left it to atmosphere as suggested. There is not any smoke or vapour or chuffing coming from the engine oil inlet when I take it off which is good news! Where does the cyclone take the oily gas from? Is it another form or exhaust system? I am...
  14. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Ah thanks a lot! There is no pressure/or steam/smoke escaping from the oil filler cap when its on and I haven't had it running with that off. There isn't a huge amount os smoke coming from the pipe from the cyclone but enough to notice. By breathing heavily does that mean it's trying to take in...
  15. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

  16. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Yes! Thanks a lot for that. That is such a big help- really appreciate such a detailed answer. Much appreciated! Will order that cyclone breather now. Cheers!!
  17. D

    Smoking Turbo pipe?

    Hi Folks, Apologies if questions seem ridiculous I’m rather new to this.. This pipe has a small amount of smoke coming out which I have noticed after it has come off the air filter. Is this smoke bad/ what problem does this indicate? In addition it runs from the small black device which is...
  18. D

    Missing belt? 300tdi

    Thanks I have ordered all Dayco replacements. Cheers for the heads up.
  19. D

    Missing belt? 300tdi

    Yes indeed. I got this when I bought it so have ordered full cam belt and gasket and pulley kit to change the belt and check. Thanks! It does beg the question as someone mentioned - how on earth did this happen! Cheers
  20. D

    Missing belt? 300tdi

    Thanks! That makes sense. Here is a photo of fuses as mentioned. Really appreciate this help! Slow response as been away working for a few days.