1. A

    hookup for inverter

    Just a quick point: In the postings, someone said that not fusing a high current circuit is foolhardy. While I agree with the sentiment in general, it's not totally unheard of. Think about your landy: Is there a fuse on the 200A+ cable which goes to the starter? And what about your new winch...
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    Rear Wiper Motor

    Gavvy, You need to start back at the fuse box. Check the fuse first, then if it's ok, make sure it's terminals are not corroded (common, with all the leaks the Defenders have). If that's ok, remove the wiper switch and check for power there, in AND out. The circuit is that simple - from there...
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    Timing / injection woes

    Hey fellas, I've worked out what the problem was in the end. The clowns who I sent the pump to have put the timing plate on 180 degrees out. I decided to test a theory I had and time the pump 180 degrees out on purpose and it fired IMMEDIATELY. I wish they knew what they've put me through in...
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    The Little B****RD'S !!!!!

    I can only echo everyone else's sentiments - good job. I reckon we all need to take a leaf out of your book. Two similar little buggers (17, I think) mugged 2 female friends of mine at 1am a while back. They were caught (15 mins later, waiting at the bus stop about 200 yards from where it...
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    How's your chassis?

    I've got a '93 110 200TDi and my chassis is fair. It needs a new rear crossmember and the drivers side front outrigger is just about gone. Behind the rear axle the chassis is quite bad, so that's getting done in the next few weeks. After that, it's waxoyl all round and I think it will be ok. So...
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    Done me head in??

    Sounds like a head job to me - any cracks on a cylinder head are not good! Take it to someone who can test it for you. I suspect they will tell you that you need a new one. What about doing a 200 or 300 TDi upgrade?
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    Timing / injection woes

    Fellas, I've been involved in a major saga with my defender for the last few weeks and am desperate for help. It started 2 weeks ago when I decided to change the timing belt on the 200TDi 110 which I bought in June. Importantly, the vehicle was running perfectly at this time. I stripped it...
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    Injector pump - locking it

    Thanks. I was a bit apprehensive about this, but I just went ahead and stripped it today, locking it as suggested. Now that it's in bits I understand how it works and it makes more sense. From what I can see, the pin really dictates the timing, the pulley is not really relevant, as long as...
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    I've decided to have my injectors and pump serviced while I have the car in bits. On my 200TDi, the injectors are not 'loose' one you remove the little clamps. I've got 2 out, but the other 2 won't budge. Question: Is it ok to swing on them with a 15mm spanner to rotate them to get them loose...
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    Injector pump - locking it

    I'm busy doing the timing belt on my 200TDi and have found something concerning. The instructions (landrover svc man) say you need to lock the injector pump shaft before you remove the old belt. First something is inserted in the front of the pulley and once that's in then you remove a little...
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    200TDi crankshaft pulley removal

    Just thought I'd update anyone who is following this. In the end, I couldn't get the nut loose against the brakes / gearbox - there is too much 'spring' in the drive train. I had to find a way to get the front pulley off - and that was heat! A good going over with a small blow torch got it off -...
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    200TDi crankshaft pulley removal

    Hi, Thanks for that...but I bought a tool to hold the crank to get the 30mm bolt out and that only fits with the outer pulley off. How else do you stop the shaft moving when loosening it? Doing the 'put-it-in-gear' trick? I had a feeble attempt at that, but it didn't seem kosher so I stopped!
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    Sorry to ask but......buying advice required

    Hi, I couldn't help but comment on this one, since I've just bought my first one for a major overland trip. I've learned a lot in 3 months!!!! I knew nothing when I bought it and I consider myself lucky that I never bought a serious lemon - more luck than judgement, for sure! I knew I wanted...
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    200TDi crankshaft pulley removal

    Hi, I'm in the process of replacing the cambelt on my 110, 200TDi. All the manuals have convinced me that it's a relatively easy process, but I'm stuck and I've hardly started! I've got as far as stripping out the fan / cowl / water pump and relevant pipes. Now I've got to the dreadded...