
New Member
Have an '90 110 Td county, running fine until 6 months ago started having difficulty starting when cold (always gets there just takes time), and whiteish smoke until warm. Just failed MOT on emissions so thought maybe a water leak on the cylinder head / blown gasket.
Stripped off cylinder head yesterday and found the following.
1. large rear rocker bolt rusted - all others fine.
2. head gasket looks OK.
3. Cylinder head :- pitted slightly above rear piston, small cracks between inlet and outlet valves above all pistons, small cracks around swirl chamber ports.
4. looking at the face of the cylinder block on the LHS there are two blanking plugs , the front one looks fine the rear one has corrosion around it.
Given the above I was wondering on the best way to proceed, I was considering buying a new cylinder head but am worried that given symptom 1) there may be a crack in the water jacket of the cylinder block?:confused:
Whaddya thinks?
Sounds like a head job to me - any cracks on a cylinder head are not good!
Take it to someone who can test it for you. I suspect they will tell you that you need a new one.
What about doing a 200 or 300 TDi upgrade?

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