1. S

    Pyrenees Mountains Expedition 2009

    Further update, The Range Rover is now not going to be used on the trip as it's a crap car and far too unreliable. Bloody thing is still in the garage so I will be buyiing a second Disco for the expedition. I have done a fair bit of research into routes but info is sketchy at best and...
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    p38 reliability

    I have the P38 2.5 DSE, love it to bits and to be honest if she gives me one more headache she will be in bits! Bought her in March 2007 and have spent £4,500 just keeping her going. Won't bore you with the list but includes gearbox (twice), EAS is now replaced with coil springs but she is...
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    p38's are officially rubbish....dont ever buy one

    Sorry Hamertime, that was aimed at Hackett actually and I was flitting from screen to screen trying to remember the page that annoyed me and obviously got it mixed. My apologies. P38 apparently repaired and guess what, still has problems. Front door locks fried by ECU failure (common...
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    buying Range Rover

    Buy a Disco, do not buy a P38 Range Rover unless you have a second car and lots of money! Also buy a diesel Disco, the Auto TDI ES 2001/2002 is same interior spec pretty much as a P38 but it is a workhorse and better off road, great for towing and will cost around 5K less than a P38, also far...
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    Coil springs, can't beat em. Have the whole lot changed to coil springs and kiss goodbye to EAS faults. Also it breaks better, holds the road better and gives better MPG
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    p38's are officially rubbish....dont ever buy one

    Hmm, have to say with all due respect that I agree with the original statement that P38's are crap. I am a very big fan of Landy's, have owned them now for over 5 years, bought a Freelander, then a Range Rover (P38, why oh why did I do that?) Have a Disco now as well and have helped various...
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    My P38 turns over but will not start.

    Sounds to me like the ECU is starting to fauil, happened to me just last weekend and it's the last major fault that broke the back. P38 is a lovely car, when they work that is but seriously how much money should you spend on a car to just drive it? Bought a Disco today, P38 up for grabs...
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    Anyone running a 2.5 Diesel on veg oil ?

    Hi All, I have the P38 BMW V6 2.5 lump, running on about 30% veg oil, no heaters, no messing, no problems. The key is the fuel pump, if it's a Bosch your fine, if it's a Lucas expect problems. Also common rail diesels don't like veggie so be warned. Regular servicing and change the fuel...
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    Need help with faulty cruise control plz

    just a quick thought but if you have blinking lights then you have an earth fault somewhere, that might be part of the prob but i could be ****ing in the wind?
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    Drivers Window sticking.....

    Hi all, I had the exact same fault and Land Rover quoted me £195 for a new window bar and I laughed so much at the labour charge that they sent for the men in white coats. I called my local mobile mechanic who had the interior door panel off quick smart, bent a bar back into shape and 18...
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    EAS - ABS - Windows not set, me gonna have a heartattack - Need help on this..

    You bought a Range Rover, they have, err, personality querks?
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    Pyrenees Mountains Expedition 2009

    Ok update time at last, apologies to all. Been away camping and the rover was in the garage so been neglecting my topic, very bad I know so I will give the wife the whip tonight I guess. Anyways, update. Well I finally have my P38 back, coil springs in place and very different ride. Now...
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    Pyrenees Mountains Expedition 2009

    for the record I was not the one who confused mountain ranges so I am pretty sure I know where I is going!
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    Pyrenees Mountains Expedition 2009

    Thanks for your input, I have heard mixed reports on the likelyhood of meeting the locals and general consensus seems to be to take as many isolated and overgrown old mountain tracks as possible and camp in campsites if you want to. I will be fitting both vehicles with expedition roof...
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    Pyrenees Mountains Expedition 2009

    Hi All, Well after a couple of years of badgering and generaly being obnoxious, something apparently I am very good at by the way, I have finally managed to agree my long planned for and long awaited trip from Atlantic to Mediterranean sea. Not being the richest man alive but the instegator...
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    Allways wanted one, now I've done it !!

    it is cheaper to run landowner and nowt wrong wi it. Of course if your stuck on a mountain you can't pour veggie oil in it and escape but then you can't do that with a petrol V8 anyway so what the hey. As I said to a good friend of mine (and ex landy owner) you kow and I know that when you...
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    P38 Sat Nav

    I ordered the full kit from Mr ebay guy today, expensive but well worth it i think. I just hope it's as easy to fit as he says it is!
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    P38 Sat Nav

    Cheers, will give him a bell and see what he can recommend. :D
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    p38 manual gearbox

    Ok, this is one I know very well. My gearbox is being re built as we speak because of similar faults. The gear selector transfer system is a bit complex in these babies and it also is a Land Rover only part (warranty comes with it as well though). Anyway, if it has bent, warped or been forced...
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    At My Wits End Now!!!!

    change the suspension to a coil spring set. Kit costs about £400 and never fails again! Can recommend a good supplier if needs be