
New Member
hi guys, have a bit of an issue with the shifter in my p38 manual diesel. Basically the lever sits over to the left and everything is slightly over to the left. when in 5th the gear lever looks like its in 3rd, and when in 3rd it looks like its in 1st, 1st is getting what seems over time harder and harder to engage, probably due to this reason, but it appears to have some sort of box on top of the gearbox that houses all the workings, is there anywhere that can be adjusted? or must the box of tricks be replaced?
in the version of RAVE you have theres a full section on rebuilding the manual gearbox. Have you had a look through that?? :)

-Wills :)
hmm, as far as I know the manual P38's all had the same R380 gearbox - have you tried comparing pics of it and with the shop manual and overhaul manual?? Why doesn't he think its an R380 box??

-Wills :)
Ok, this is one I know very well.

My gearbox is being re built as we speak because of similar faults. The gear selector transfer system is a bit complex in these babies and it also is a Land Rover only part (warranty comes with it as well though). Anyway, if it has bent, warped or been forced it means that your gearbox has a problem of some sort so have it stripped and sorted properly.

I had the selector changed but the garage did not do the full strip and inspect they said they were gonna do. Consequence? I am having my gearbox rebuilt now and and a loan car for 3 days, also I now have a fight with the guys who bodged it last time.

Bite the bullet and do it right first time!
i see, what part is it that i need exactly?

Ok, this is one I know very well.

My gearbox is being re built as we speak because of similar faults. The gear selector transfer system is a bit complex in these babies and it also is a Land Rover only part (warranty comes with it as well though). Anyway, if it has bent, warped or been forced it means that your gearbox has a problem of some sort so have it stripped and sorted properly.

I had the selector changed but the garage did not do the full strip and inspect they said they were gonna do. Consequence? I am having my gearbox rebuilt now and and a loan car for 3 days, also I now have a fight with the guys who bodged it last time.

Bite the bullet and do it right first time!
baulk rings are probably worn ,what oil did you refill it with and was was old oil like ,itsworth looking at the 2 detents on selector housing one each side if stick isnt set to spring back to 3rd 4th alignment it will be hard to change gear ,why would you want to change down to 1st in normal driving
As James said selectors if your really lucky there is a ball joint that's part of the gearstick these can wear if your lucky, a Sighn is a wobbly gear stick

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