Electric 110 Project

    Like all projects, there have been a few moments when I had second thoughts … and I’m not the one working on it! Hats of to the self-converters. Looking forward to year one now!

    Electric 110 Project


    Electric 110 Project

    Sorry, yes should have added that. The DVLA have updated this with no inspection needed. I submitted the V70 document along with the update to the V5C document and this was processed relatively quickly over the festive period. So it is now listed as fully electric. However, it doesn't seem...

    Electric 110 Project

    Indeed it was! Insurance wise, night and day, unfortunately. All insurers classified the vehicle as a 'classic' with which come certain stipulations. The key one that affected us is to insure a classic car, you have to have a second car (presumably to make it seem like this isn't your daily...

    Electric 110 Project

    Brief update on the E-Landy conversion, and that is that I am a proud owner of a successful MOT certificate for 'Fendi' ... without the need for an inspection, which helped tremendously! Plus, after a lot of trial, error and disappointment, I've finally managed to secure insurance with a...

    Proposals for Freelander 1 EV

    The Tesla motor placed in the location of the old transfer box is the way that my 110 has been setup. Turned 90 degrees this allows the 4x4 to be retained ... and eliminates the transmission tunnel in the cab as an added bonus. I'm afraid I am not up to speed on the technical challenges in...

    Electric 110 Project

    I’ll expand on my earlier insurance post when I nail one down, but it seems to be a combination of: Classic Car + Higher valuation = requirement for a secure garage. But living in a city (even a small one) doesn’t make that particular easy to find. However, I think I’ve found a way to placate...

    Electric 110 Project

    January 2024 It’s been a fair while since the last post, and I’m happy to announce that the conversion is complete and importantly the MOT has been passed! That was back just before Christmas, and I was hoping that I would be driving it back up the M6 in time to enjoy it over the festive...

    Freelander 1 Freelander EV

    Huge congrats on the MOT pass … managed to get the same result for ours just before Xmas, now waiting on the change in registration. Great to see you up and running!
  10. E~FENDER

    Electric 110 Project

    Cards on the table you are not far off. It can be done for less, and there are more and more garages starting to offer the service. There are kits for circa £25k, but you'd need to add the labour and etc to that unless you DIY ... but I think that is asking for trouble based on the growth of...
  11. E~FENDER

    Electric 110 Project

    October 2023 After a September busy period, I got the chance to pop down to Wales to check on progress with the conversion rebuild, and a chance to take a look at another Defender project they had in the garage - a 130 receiving 165kW in VW ID batteries spread across the vehicle. Plenty on the...
  12. E~FENDER

    Dream Defenders

    I’ve dropped you a DM. But in passing this may be of interest to you from the US: https://solarrolla.com/product/solarrolla-solar-trailer-mobile-charging-station/
  13. E~FENDER

    Dream Defenders

    I may have missed the point of this, and it really sounds more and more like the Munro ... which seems to have raided the Britpart catalogue https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/munro-mk1-ev-defender-rival-be-revealed-next-week
  14. E~FENDER

    Dream Defenders

    Surely this goes against the electrification. I like the idea of a range extender for longer/off-road adventures (not needed 95% of the time) and think this might be where your USP might be ... but surely not a diesel version and it may not be realistic.
  15. E~FENDER

    Dream Defenders

    Careful with the weight to pollution argument. Most new vehicles are heavier now and these tend to be SUV's. So while it is true some EV's are heavier than the equivalent ICE version, the ICE >>> EV conversions tend to be done to the pretty much the same weight before and after. That is often...
  16. E~FENDER

    Dream Defenders

    I suggest speaking to the guys at ECC. The Tesla motor is positioned where the transfer box was (deleting the need for the tunnel in the cab), turned 90'degrees to enable full time 4x4 power to both axles. The front engine bay is full of the batteries and some others are positing in the rear...
  17. E~FENDER

    Dream Defenders

    This is not the approach they are using for the Defender conversion. It is worth checking out some of the Defender specific films they have done. The engine and gearbox are removed and the brakes etc are uprated to handle the increase in torque. To answer an early comment, you also can avoid...
  18. E~FENDER

    Electric 110 Project

    Thanks for the comments, and interesting to note on the insurance. This is a 110 technically, so might be well worth making sure that this is what it is down as during any insurance quotes. I'll watch out on the Exmoor recovers too, I feel I did a half decent job, but time will tell. As far...
  19. E~FENDER

    Electric 110 Project

    August 2023 Shorter update this month with the summer putting the brakes on too much progress. That, and some minor bodywork needed before the final assembly. The original vehicle was originally assembled in South Africa - keen to find out more on that origin story (any tips welcome) - and a...
  20. E~FENDER

    Electric 110 Project

    While I'll hold my hands up to be no expert in electrics/electronics, if seems that they may well replace most / all of the low voltage wiring looms. It would certainly make sense. This is currently in progress for us, as can be seen in the below image.