1. U

    Intermitent Starting Problems - arrrghhhhh!

    Made it home with 2 pit stops. Out of the office : 11 deg cel - 12 attempts before starting. Stop 1: Gas at $1.28 Litre : 6 deg - 2 attempts Stop 2: Beer at $5 the litre : 4 deg - 14 attemps before the starter cranked. Cleaned the fuse box, with contact cleaner, inside and under. brushed...
  2. U

    Intermitent Starting Problems - arrrghhhhh!

    All right. Im going to head home now and try that later tonight. I Wonder how many times its going to take to start the car now? Place your bets... Thanks to all for your help. I'll let you know if I get any luck...:confused:
  3. U

    Intermitent Starting Problems - arrrghhhhh!

    ok. Should I pull out the fuse box to give it a good clean? How about spraying a little wd40? Maybe not a good idea...
  4. U

    Intermitent Starting Problems - arrrghhhhh!

    Im going to try giving the fuse box under the hood a good cleaning. We have had a lot of water on the roads with all the snow melting, and I did fly through a couple decent puddles on a few occasions. The box is to say the least "dusty":D Im seeing a lot about the cam sensor ignition...
  5. U

    Intermitent Starting Problems - arrrghhhhh!

    yeah the battery tested out ok this am. Not in top tune shape but good. But you have me doubting now... If the battery was bad, wouldn't It not start at all? Even after cranking it till the end of time? I tried boosting it a couple times when it didn't start and I experienced the same...
  6. U

    Intermitent Starting Problems - arrrghhhhh!

    Hello! I am looking for some LR Help! This forum seem the place to get it!:D I have a Freelander V6 2004 and have been experiencing starting problems for the past 3 weeks. I always manage to get it started but it takes anywhere from 1 to 25 minutes before the starter engages and the car...