1. D

    Fititng 300TDI parts to a 200TDI?

    Thanks very much! great info!
  2. D

    200tdi 3 door Disco's (& other ramblings...) also '86 Ninety 200tdi hybrid...

    Ahhhh! that obvious? With diesel getting going up from stupid to stupid prices, might be the way to go!
  3. D

    200tdi 3 door Disco's (& other ramblings...) also '86 Ninety 200tdi hybrid...

    But if you were, say, to be intending on using this as fuel - and of course you are not - how would you do it? Just spit balling, as the yanks would say...
  4. D

    Fititng 300TDI parts to a 200TDI?

    Thanks for head's up. I'll look into the b rake hose issue! Cheers. Dave
  5. D

    Fititng 300TDI parts to a 200TDI?

    Thanks very much, Lynall, for the reply. Very useful info. I will need to dig a bit deeper on 300TDI/Auto box, but at least I know for sure the body parts will fit no problems.
  6. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    Thanks for the advice! I think we elected number 3 as our prime minister!
  7. D

    Fititng 300TDI parts to a 200TDI?

    Hi all, I would really appreciate any advice you experts out there can provide me to help with my project 93 3 door 200TDI project. I have acquired a donor 95 5 door 300TDI vehicle. Doors. I want to replace the front PAx/Dvrs and cargo doors on the 200TDI with the front and cargo doors from...
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    200tdi 3 door Disco's (& other ramblings...) also '86 Ninety 200tdi hybrid...

    Brought tears to my eyes - I had a disco exactly the same as J609MUT. I eternally regret having sold it. Now I have 93 200TDI 2 door and a 95 300 TDI five door that I am working on. I'll post my project in a day or so.
  9. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    I agree. My D2 cured me forever of electronics. The three amigos were for a long time my only amigos - very frustrating. I went along to our local independent landie centre, and they quoted thousands of dollars to replace sensors and ECO but I persuaded them to simple reset the errors to "see...
  10. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    No, not really. We elect them to parliament along with smurfs and muppets.
  11. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    Thanks very much!
  12. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    Love it! Duly stolen and shared with those of like mind - properly accredited of course!
  13. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    Thanks very much! I was spawned in Bridgnorth myself.......although I feel I qualify fully for the loony zone as I live in a country of loonies at the mo. I got a lot to learn about discos, though I have owned several 200TDIs, I never owned a 300TDI disco. I did possess for a painfully short...
  14. D

    Hi - New member from Gulag Zealand

    Hi all, glad to be here after browsing for some info on 200TDI vs 300TDI discos. I have one of each. Looking forward to learning a ton about the differences, so I can turn two into one. Cheers Dave