Hi all, glad to be here after browsing for some info on 200TDI vs 300TDI discos. I have one of each.

Looking forward to learning a ton about the differences, so I can turn two into one.

Hi there and welcome to the Loony Zone
Thanks very much! I was spawned in Bridgnorth myself.......although I feel I qualify fully for the loony zone as I live in a country of loonies at the mo.
I got a lot to learn about discos, though I have owned several 200TDIs, I never owned a 300TDI disco. I did possess for a painfully short period of time a D90 300TDI with Zeus kit in it, that I loved to death. However, the divorce courts loved it even more, so off she went.

My mission, which was forced on me by my ego with a huge layer of hubris on top, is to convert my 3 door 200TDI to a 300TDI using the 300TDI donor but without all the ABS and airbag rubbish on board. Any help in this direction would be greatly appreciated as I feel I might have bitten off a bit more than I can masticate....but, oh well.
Welcome aboard :)

300 was (is ) slightly more refined that 200.... 300 series disco's had more electronics than the 200's, and, IMHO, the best place for said electronics is in the bin....
Welcome aboard :)

300 was (is) slightly more refined that 200.... 300 series disco's had more electronics than the 200's, and, IMHO, the best place for said electronics is in the bin....

I agree. My D2 cured me forever of electronics. The three amigos were for a long time my only amigos - very frustrating. I went along to our local independent landie centre, and they quoted thousands of dollars to replace sensors and ECO but I persuaded them to simple reset the errors to "see what happens next". The Amigos went out for 18 months then out of the blue one day they came back on again. This went on for several years so I was guessing that it wasn't truly an error.

Lesson learned and D2 sent off to the knackers yard, I want to keep the disco as simple as possible, so will eliminate the ABS and airbags - enough of those in government - and just use the engine and auto box, doors, headlining, trim etc. My dilemma is is it easier to transplant the 300TDI engine/trans into the 200TDI body or is it easier to lift the body off my 200 TDI and put it onto the 300TDI chassis? If you or anyone you know has any advice in that direction, it would be gratefully received.

Which brings me to another question - do you or anyone you know have a video / instructions on how to remove the dash complete from a 200tdi and replace it with a 300TDI dash?
I agree. My D2 cured me forever of electronics

Yep, we learnt the same lesson with FFRR, and then Ni$$an pickup ( Ute ), which fell in half ! - How green and sustainable is that !!! :mad::mad::mad:

Bar engine mounts and GB cross members, AFAIK, all D1 chassis' are the same...

RAVE should have instructions for dash removal... I've little experience of the 200 series D1, so couldn't say if the 300 dash will even fit - given you have both, you might be in a better position than me to answer that.o_O
Watch out for Larry the resident hardnut.

Also the phantom.

And this is a true likeness of me for any Maori women.

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